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Letter. M[aria] N[icholson] Montgomery, Baltimore, Maryland, to James W. Nicholson Esqre P. M., New Geneva, Pennsylvania
News of Maria's sisters and their children. Word that Jane Ingraham Seney, daughter-in-law of Maria's long-widowed sister Frances Nicholson Seney (1771-1851) has inherited a great fortune: "Robert, Jane & their Babe were at Greenwich and Sister Fanny I suppose delighted with her little Grand daughter. Jane proves to be one of the 100 heirs to, I forget how much, but her portion is 50,000 dollars, fifty thousand dollars, the agent had arrived from Hamburgh, and the poor Methodist preacher Robert S. has married a great fortune. Mary R. Rodgers tells me all this & I know no more about it, wonderful are the ways of Providence." Mention of the Marquise de Lafayette, then touring the United States: "the dear old Genl La Fayette we grieve at the approach he had to a watery grave and rejoice at his escape from death. the Girls must write us all about his visit to yr neighborhood . . . . Tell the Genl La Fayette that we hope to see him again in Baltre".