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- 1. Portraits, A-C
- 10th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 10th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus is Stripped of His Garments)
- 11.1.98, 6:45 A.M.
- 11th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus is Nailed to the Cross)
- 12th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus Dies on the Cross)
- 13th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross)
- 14th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus is Laid in the Tomb)
- 1961 Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 1962 Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 1963 Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 1964 Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 1972 Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 1973 Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 1974 Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 1975 Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 1991 Collegiate Jazz Festival, University of Notre Dame
- 1er grand prix d'aviation de l'aéro-club de France : circuit d'anjou.
- 1st Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus is Condemned to Death)
- 2. Portraits, D-K
- 2 Apples
- 26th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 27th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 28-Part Lyrical Poem
- 28th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 2nd Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus Takes Up His Cross)
- 2o. concurso hipico internacional de la ciudad de Mexico.
- 3. Portraits, L-N
- 30th Division Order No. 167
- 31st Eucharistic Congress Assembly in O'Connell Street, Dublin
- 3rd Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus Falls for the First Time)
- 4. Portraits, O-S
- 40th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 41st Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 42nd Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 43rd Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival, University of Notre Dame
- 44th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 45th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 46th Annual University of Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 49th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival, University of Notre Dame
- 4th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus Meets His Mother)
- 5. Portraits, T-Z
- 50th Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 51st Annual Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 5th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross)
- 6. Portraits, Unidentified
- 65 Collegiate Jazz Festival
- 6th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus)
- 7th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus Falls for the Second Time)
- 8th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem)
- 919 South 9th Street, Camden, New Jersey
- 9th Station, Preparatory Drawing for "The Stations of the Cross" (Jesus Falls for the Third Time)
- A. G. Benning financial records
- A Bairagi
- A Battle Scene
- A Black Rider, from the series of Eleven Black, Polish, and Hungarian Riders
- A Boat at a Quay near a Fort
- A Brief History of the 30th Division
- A British Howitzer, Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium
- A Bust of the Empress Josephine in Glory
- A Capriccio with the Column of Trajan, Rome
- A Carriage Halting near a Waterfall
- A Ceiling Design with Alternative Decorative Motifs
- A collection of Irish airs for the flute, violin or flageolet : with new symphonies arranged as duetts or solos.
- A companion to the ball room.
- A complete repository of old and new Scotch strathspeys, reels & jigs, adapted for the German flute. Selected from the works of Niel Gow & sons.
- A Costume Design
- A Cree Family near Clagary, Alberta
- A Cup with Grotesque Ornaments
- A Decorative Design with Minerva and History Attended by a Putto
- "A Dialogue Between a Schoolmaster and Laborer"
- A Disturbed Child in a Warsaw Orphanage (Teresa Adwentowska)
- "A Divine Poem Written on Saint Francis Founder of the Order of the Cord"
- A Dominican Saint
- A Donkey Driver
- A Drawing Class in an Artist's Studio
- "A Dream of General T.F. Burkes"
- "A Dream of General T.F. Burkes"
- A Flower Garden, Newport, Rhode Island
- A Fountain with Three Graces
- A Funeral
- A Game of Pitch and Toss, Foxford, County Mayo
- A general collection of the ancient music of Ireland : arranged for the piano forte; some of the most admired melodies are adapted for the voice, to poetry chiefly translated from the original Irish songs
- A Graveyard Scene
- A Grecian Harvest Home
- A Gregorian Archive : sound recordings of Gregorian Chant in a study edition
- A Gregorian archive. Alleluias in 1 & 3.
- A Gregorian archive. Alleluias in 4, 5, 6, & 7.
- A Gregorian archive. Alleluias in 8 & 2.
- A Gregorian archive. Communion antiphons in modes 1 & 3.
- A Gregorian archive. Communion antiphons in modes 2 & 4.
- A Gregorian archive. Communion antiphons in modes 7 & 5.
- A Gregorian archive. Communion antiphons in modes 8 & 6.
- A Gregorian archive. Graduals in mode 5 (Temporale).
- A Gregorian archive. Graduals in mode 5 for Saints.
- A Gregorian archive. Graduals in modes 1 & 7.
- A Gregorian archive. Graduals in modes 2 & 8.
- A Gregorian archive. Graduals in modes 3 & 4.
- A Gregorian archive. Introduction.
- A Gregorian archive. Introit Antiphons in mode 1.
- A Gregorian archive. Introit Antiphons in mode 3.
- A Gregorian archive. Introit Antiphons in modes 4 & 5.
- A Gregorian archive. Introit Antiphons in modes 6 & 2.
- A Gregorian archive. Introit Antiphons in modes 8 & 7.
- A Gregorian archive. Offertories in modes 1, 2, 7.
- A Gregorian archive. Offertories in modes 4, 6, 3.
- A Gregorian archive. Offertories in modes 5 & 8.
- A Gregorian archive. Tracts in mode 2.
- A Gregorian archive. Tracts in mode 8.
- A Harem Scene with Women around a Pool
- A Joust
- A Joy Forever, Roadside, Florida
- A la nación peruana.
- A Light One on Top
- "A Lima Libre y Trunfante, Oda"
- A Lion Hunt
- "A Little Irish Colleen," Claddagh, County Galway
- "A los Arequipeños," Arequipa
- A Lough Erne Ferry, near Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh
- A Man Leaning against a Pillar
- A map exhibiting Mr. Hearne's tracks in his two journies for the discovery of the Copper Mine River, in the years 1770, 1771 and 1772 : under the direction of the Hudson's Bay Company.
- A map of a portion of the Indian country lying east and west of the Mississippi River to the forty sixth degree of north latitude from personal observation made in the autumn of 1835 and recent authentic documents
- A map of the north western territory
- A map of ye Long River : and of some others that fall into that small part of ye Great River of Missisipi [sic] ... ; A map drawn upon stag-skins by ye Gnacsitares
- A Mayan Prince
- A Means to an End...A Shadow Drama in Five Acts
- "A Mis Compatriotas," Cuzco
- A mission tour-book in Ireland : showing how to visit the missions in Dublin, Connemara, etc.
- A Mob Scene at Night
- A Mother and Child
- "A Much Admired Love Song Called the Banks of the Nile"
- "A Much Admired Love Song Called the Feenian Lovers"
- "A Much Admired Song Called Carroline of Edinborough Town"
- "A Much Admired Song Called the Lovely Maid of Williams Town"
- "A Much Admired Song Called the Lovers of Derry"
- "A Much Admired Song Called Tie My Toes to the Bed"
- "A Much Admired Song Entitled Lannigan's Ball"
- A Music-Addicted Family. . . from the series Musical Sketches
- A Musical Party
- "A New and Much Admired Song called the Three Lovers' Trip to Carrickmagat By Michael Daily"
- A new map of North America shewing its principal divisions, chief cities, townes, rivers, mountains & c.
- A new map of part of the United States : exhibiting the north west, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois Territory, the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania
- A new map of the state of Wisconsin.
- A new map of the state of Wisconsin.
- A new map of the state of Wisconsin
- A new map of the state of Wisconsin.
- A new map of the state of Wisconsin.
- A new map of Upper & Lower Canada from the latest authorities
- "A New Popular Song Entitled The Two Little Girls in Blue"
- "A New Song, Entitled The Farmers and Tradesmen of Ireland"
- "A New Song, Erin, To its Own Tune"
- "A New Song. To the tune of Ballinamona Ora"
- "A New Song Billy Pitt and The Union"
- "A New Song Called Annie Lisle"
- "A New Song Called Coburn's Challenge To Heenan"
- "A New Song Called Grogan's Grove"
- "A New Song Called Jack, You Remember the Nuts"
- "A New Song Called Jig Light Sue"
- "A New Song called John Morrissy Again in the Field? Who he is to fight on the 1st of November, 1864"
- "A New Song Called Molly My Darling Don't Leave Me"
- "A New Song Called The Bold Rake"
- "A New Song Called The Bold Rake of Limrick""
- "A New Song Called the Chimney Sweeper's Wedding"
- "A New Song Called the Coast-guard on the Isle of France"
- "A New Song Called the Dear and Darling Boy" (1 of 2)
- "A New Song Called the Dear and Darling Boy" (2 of 2)
- "A New Song Called the Emigrant's Farewell to Donegal"
- "A New Song Called The Exiles' Return"
- "A New Song Called The Farewell of the Emigrant to His Country"
- "A New Song Called The Gay Old Hag"
- "A New Song Called the Girl I Left Behind Me"
- "A New Song Called the Hiring Day"
- "A New Song Called the Lady's New Fashions or the Girls' Dress Caps"
- "A New Song Called the Loyal Lasses of Castlerea"
- "A New Song Called the Maid of Ballymoat"
- "A New Song Called the Malisia Man"
- "A New Song Called The Mantle So Green"
- "A New Song Called the Papist Ass"
- "A New Song Called The Papist Ass"
- "A New Song Called the Poor Wanderer's Sighs and Grief on Parting His Native Land"
- "A New Song Called The Pride of Ardagh"
- "A New Song Called the Pride of Ardagh Air the Lass of Gowry"
- "A New Song Called the Queen of Love"
- "A New Song Called the Rake of Rathkeal"
- "A New Song Called the Red Haired Man's Wife"
- "A New Song Called The Scotch Brigade"
- "A New Song Called the Sewing Machine"
- "A New Song Called the Three Huntsmen's Tragedy"
- "A New Song Called the Wedding Afternoon"
- "A New Song Called the Wonders of the World"
- "A New Song Called the Young Lady's Lamentation for the Loss of Her True Love"
- "A New Song Called the Young Man in Search of his Sister"
- "A New Song Called the Young Squire or the Counselor Outwitted"
- "A New Song Called Willy Leonard"
- "A New Song Called Wire In and Get Your Tea Pot"
- "A New Song Entitled My Heart is at Home in Old Ireland"
- "A New Song Entitled Sandy and Pat"
- "A New Song Entitled The Ould Orange Flute"
- "A New Song Entitled What is Home Without a Mother"
- "A New Song in Praise of Gort-Town by Michael Shanahan"
- "A New Song in Praise of Mr. Tait and the Harbour Commissioners"
- "A New Song in Praise of The Banks of the River Lee"
- "A New Song in Praise of The Catholic Church of Kantur"
- "A new Song on 18s. A-Week"
- "A New Song on Lucky Elopement"
- "A New Song on the Afghan War"
- "A New Song on the American Beef and Austalian Mutton"
- "A New Song on the Amesty Meeting in Tipperary Written by a Friend to the Cause"
- "A New Song on the Attempt of the Life of the Very Rev. Father Ryan"
- "A New Song on the Beauties of the County Wicklow"
- "A New Song on the Birth and Suffering of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ"
- "A New Song on the Castlewillan Meeting"
- "A New Song on the Curragh Murder"
- "A New Song on the Drunken Act"
- "A New Song on the Erecting of O'Connell's Monument For 1882"
- "A New Song on the Farmer's Tenant-Right"
- "A New Song on the General Taxation of Our Days"
- "A New Song on the Grand Procession of Father Lavell on his Removal from Partry to Cong on the 16 of October, 1869"
- "A New Song on the Happy Return of Moody and Sankey"
- "A New Song on the Hiring Fairs of Ulster"
- "A New Song on the Hiring of the Servants"
- "A New Song on the Insanity and the Doings of The Poor Judge"
- "A New Song on the Irish Harvesters' Triumph over the English"
- "A New Song on the Judgment Delivered in Galway"
- "A New Song on the Last Dublin Election. Composed by Joseph Saddler"
- "A New Song on the Liberation of Robert Kelly"
- "A New Song on the Massacre of 20,000 Roman Catholics in Syria"
- "A New Song on the Races of Roscommon"
- "A New Song on the Release of the Fenian Prisoners"
- "A New Song on the Release of the Political Prisoners"
- "A New Song on the Royal Visit"
- "A New Song on the Sporting Races of Cavan"
- "A New Song on the Sporting Races of Kanturk"
- "A New Song on the Taking Down of the Irish Census"
- "A New Song on the Tipperary Ass" (Copy 1)
- "A New Song on the Tipperary Ass" (Copy 2)
- "A New Song on Unconquered Tipperary"
- "A New Song on William O'Brien and the 'Mysterious Rats'"
- A Normandy Fisherman and His Wife
- A Nude Gesturing to the Left (recto)
- "A Nuestro Almirante Protector…"
- A Nymph with a Band of Cupids
- A Painting of Mt. Hood
- A Pair of Monteiths
- A Path in Saint-Cloud Park, Winter [Une allée du parc de St. Cloud en hiver]
- A Peasant from Provence
- A Peasant Putting Bread in an Oven
- A Peasant Woman Carrying Buckets
- "A Perfect Cure" and "When Bucks A-hunting Go!"
- A picture of Madrid : taken on the spot
- A picturesque and descriptive view of the city of Dublin : displayed in a series of the most interesting scenes taken in the year 1791
- A plan of the Straits of St. Mary, and Michilimakinac : to shew the situation & importance of the two westernmost settlements of Canada for the fur trade.
- A Poet with the Head of Euripides, The Vatican
- "A Popular Masonic Song Called The Royal Robe"
- "A Popular Song, Entitled The Shepherd's Boy"
- A Port Scene
- "A Pound or a Penny" and "Is That Mother Bending Over Me. Tune-Mother's Warning"
- A Preliminary Sketch of a Woman and Child
- A Quilter from Roll, Jordan, Roll
- A reconnoissance of the Minnay Sotor Watapāh; or St. Peter's River to its sources.
- A review of the bloody tribunal, or the horrid cruelties of the inquisition, as practiced in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the East and West Indies, on all those whom the Church of Rome brands with the name of hereticks
- A revision of the genus Scouleria with description of one new species
- A Road Accident near New Inn, County Laois
- A Scene from the "Commedia dell'Arte"
- A Scene from The Life of Saint Philip Neri
- A Seated Woman Playing a Mandolin
- A Selection of Irish melodies : with symphonies and accompaniments
- A selection of Scotch, English, Irish & foreign airs. Properly adapted for the German flute, violin or fife.
- A Sheet of Studies: A Winged Demon Wrestling Two Snakes and Two Foreshortened Studies of Figures (recto)
- A Sheet of Studies: A Winged Demon Wrestling Two Snakes and Two Foreshortened Studies of Figures (recto); Study of a Young Man Running with a Bull (verso)
- A Shipwreck Scene
- "A Sight for a Father"
- A Sister of Charity ("Nun's Medicinal Tea")
- A sketch of the public surveys in Indiana
- A Soldier of the Empire
- "A Song on the Expected Triumph of Sir Domnick Corrigan at the Coming Election Over the Tories"
- "A Song on the Grand Battle Between Spring & Langan at Chichester, on Tuesday, June 8, 1824"
- "A Sorrowful Lamentation on the Execution of Patrick Power who Suffered at the Front of Wexford Jail on the 4th of April for the Unnatural Murder of his Father"
- "A Sorrowful Lamentation on the Hollywood Tragedy where Two Sisters Have Been Brutally Murdered"
- A Squall at Trouville
- "A Tribute to a Great Commissioner-Hon. Abe J. Greene"
- A Triumphal Scene
- "A True History of Bernard Reilly, a Returned Convict who was Transported in the Year 1824"
- A View of a Park (possibly Arcueil)
- A View of Manchester N. H.
- A View of St. Georges, Granada
- A View of the Temple of Neptune, Plate X from Different Views of Paestum
- A vindication of the rights of men : in a letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke occasioned by his Reflections on the revolution in France.
- A vindication of the rights of woman : with strictures on political and moral subjects
- A vindication of the rights of woman : with strictures on political and moral subjects. Vol. I
- A Washerwoman with a Child
- A wonderful opportunity for you : United States Navy
- A Wooded River Landscape
- Aachen Cathedral: Bronze doors, west portal
- Aachen Cathedral: Detail, bronze doors, west portal
- Aachen Cathedral: Detail, Palantine Chapel, Throne of Charlemagne
- Aachen Cathedral: Domarchiv Aachen, the palace and cathedral archives
- Aachen Cathedral: Exterior detail, a Late Gothic entry to the Palantine Chapel
- Aachen Cathedral: Interior, Palantine Chapel showing Barbarossa's Chandelier in the center
- Aachen Cathedral: Side elevation from the north showing the Palantine Chapel dome at center
- Aachen Cathedral: West steeple of the cathedral
- Aaron Wood, et al., Town Meeting Warrant
- Aaron Wood, Reuben Chase, Town Meeting Warrant
- Abbey Church, Saint-Leu-d'Esserent: Overall view, apsidal end with high chapel on top of five radiating chapels
- Abbey Church of Saint Austremonius, Issoire: Overall view of the apsidal end
- Abbey Church of the Trinity, Fecamp: Overall view
- Abbey of Our Lady of the Assumption, Saint-Brice: Overall view of the intact facade with blind arcades
- Abbey of Our Lady of the Dunes: Ruined gate to the abbey
- Abbey of Saint Bavo: View of the lavatorium
- Abbey of Saint Jean des Vignes, Soissons: Overall view, west facade still standing independently
- Abel Blanchard Family Correspondence
- Abraham and Isaac
- Abraham Caressing Isaac or Jacob Caressing Benjamin
- Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael
- Abraham Entertaining the Angels
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln, after F. Boyle
- Abraham Lincoln, his personal history and public record.
- Abraham's Sacrifice
- Absolution Under Fire
- Abstract Forms (25-12-33)
- Abstraction in 4D
- Abu El-Maati Mosque: Detail, carved wooden paneling
- Abu El-Maati Mosque: Exterior, porch
- Abu El-Maati Mosque: Exterior view of the piscina
- Abu El-Maati Mosque: Interior, prayer hall
- Abu El-Maati Mosque: Interior, side view of wooden minbar
- Abu El-Maati Mosque: Interior view showing wooden minbar and qibla niche
- Abu El-Maati Mosque: View of minaret overlooking cemetery
- Academic Model with Posing Sphere
- Academic Study of a Man
- Academy Building, University of Utrecht: View of the central V-shaped entrance facade
- Academy of Fine Arts, Dusseldorf: Overall view
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book
- Account Book (2 folders)
- Account book. Birmingham Black Barons
- Account Book (Black Loose-Leaf Binder)
- Account Book (Black Loose-Leaf Binder)
- Account Book (Blue Loose-Leaf Binder)
- Account Book (Blue Loose-Leaf Binder)
- Account Book (Blue Loose-Leaf Binder)
- Account Book (Blue Loose-Leaf Binder)
- Account Book (Blue Loose-Leaf Binder) (2 folders)
- Account Book (Daily Journal)
- Account Book (Daily Journal)
- Account Book (Daily Journal)
- Account Book (Daily Journal)
- Account Book (Daily Journal)
- Account Book (Scrapbook)
- Account Book (Scrapbook)
- Account Book (Scrapbook)
- Account of Lottery Expenses
- Ace Hudkins, Valpariso, Nebr.
- Achilles Aided by Vulcan, Combatting the River Gods Xanthe and Simois
- Achilles Mourning the Death of Patroclus
- Acrobats
- Actas of the Junta Electoral of Cuzco
- Acto Primero (First Act)
- Actress Adelaide Ristori as Mary Stuart
- Ad Stone, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Ad Wolgast, Cadillac, Mich.
- Adam and Eve
- Adam and Eve at Work from the series The Story of the First Men
- Adam and Eve Hide Themselves from the series The Story of the First Men
- Address: "Cultivate Effort and Energy"
- Address Book
- "Address of Mr. Horton Elm, Oneida, Ex-student of Carlisle, Delivered at the Union Meeting of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations during Commencement Week"
- "Address of Mr. Howard Gansworth, Tuscarora, of the Class of 1894, Delivered before the Union Meeting of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations"
- Address on "active study"
- Address on education
- Adenla, Great Sacred Crown
- Admiralty Arch: Overall view, with automobile traffic
- Adolph Nordquest
- Adolph Nordquest
- Adoration of the Magi
- Adoration of the Magi
- Adoration of the Magi
- Adoration of the Magi
- Adoration of the Magi, after Alessandro Turchi
- Adoration of the Shepherds
- Adoration of the Shepherds
- Adoration of the Shepherds: A Night Piece
- Adoration of the Shepherds with the Lamp
- Aeneas Telling of the Sack of Troy
- Affidavit, Michael Quinn, New York, New York
- Aged Kinich Ahau (Sun God)
- Agony in the Garden
- Agyratums
- Ahuayo (Woman's Mantle)
- Ahuayo (Woman's Mantle)
- Ahuayo (Woman's Mantle)
- Aiah Pessima Freetown Sierra Leone
- Aiguille du Dru and Aiguille Vert, Mont Blanc Massif
- Airways and Airships
- Aix Cathedral: Detail, main Gothic portal
- Akragas (Agrigento): Re-assembled remains of the Temple of "Castor and Pollux"
- Akragas (Agrigento): Remnants of the Temple of Herakles
- Akragas (Agrigento): View of ruined columbarium in the necropolis
- Aksu (Overskirt)
- Aksu (Overskirt)
- Al Andrews
- "Al Bello Secso," Arequipa
- Al Cumpleaños de Amat y Juniente, Decimas
- Al Gordon, Philadelphia
- Al Hostak
- Al Hostak
- "Al Publico," Puno/Cuzco
- "Al Respetable Publico," Lima
- "Alabada Sea la Exa. Corte Suprema de Justicia," Lima
- Albanian Woman from Italy, Ellis Island
- Albert P. Tauscher
- Albert P. Tauscher
- Alberto Lowell
- Albi Cathedral: Detail, entry through fortified door
- Albi Cathedral: Distant view, Albi Cathedral
- Albi Cathedral: Distant view, western tower rising above the town
- Albi Cathedral: Interior detail, rood screen before the choir
- Albrecht Durer's House: Overall view
- Album amicorum de Esmeralda Cervantes, 1875-1877 : manuscript signed.
- Album D'Ouvrages: Girl's Sample Book
- Alcance al Num. 8 del Republicano, Lima
- Alcázar of Córdoba: Building in the gardens
- Alcázar of Córdoba: View of the castle walls and one of the towers
- Alcázar of Seville: Detail interior of the Patio de las Muñecas
- Alcázar of Seville: Garden, pavilion of Charles V
- Alcázar of Seville: Garden with raking view of pavilion of Charles V, right
- Alcázar of Seville: Wall of the Dar-al-Imara, at center, Puerto del Léon
- "Alerta Catolicos!" Arequipa
- Alex Arellano, 15, Was Shot and Burned after Being Hit with Bats and Then Struck by a Car That Was Chasing Him, Gage Park, Chicago
- Alexander and Hephestion
- Alexander Karasick
- Alexander Macomb from Portrait Gallery of Distinguished American Citizens
- Alexander's select beauties for the flute.
- Alfonsi a Castro Zamorensis ..., Adversus omnes haereses libri XIIII
- Alfred Moore Diary
- Alfred W. Ramsey, CIIS student memory book
- Alfred W. Ramsey, CIIS student memory book
- Alfred W. Ramsey: Miscellaneous printed ephemera
- Alfred W. Ramsey, Notebooks
- Alfred W. Ramsey correspondence regarding shorthand and the National Shorthand Reporters Association
- Alfred W. Ramsey Papers
- Algiers
- Alhambra Complex: Palace of Charles V: Distant context view, Palace of Charles V at the top center
- Alhambra Complex: Palace of Charles V: Overall view at corner of the building
- Alhambra Complex: Palace of Charles V: Raking view of the facade
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Court of the Lions, detail of central fountain and lions
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Detail, Sala de los Abencerrajes, stalactite or mocárabes vault
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Detail, stalactite capitals, carved wood panels in passageway
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Detail of columns, arches and filigree walls in the Riyaḍ Palace
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Distant context view
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Distant context view, looking down from above the Generalife
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Distant context view of the Alhambra citadel
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Distant context view of the Generalife which shows the ascending terraces and orchards
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Double arcade, covered with vines and reflecting pool facing garden
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Fragment of fine polychrome tilework and calligraphy
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Interior, Salón de los Embajadores
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Overall view, Bab al-Shar'ia
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Overall view, Patio de los Leones
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Overall view, Patio de los Leones, seen from the side
- Alhambra Palace Complex: Patio de los Arrayanes with the Torre de Comares behind
- "Ali Baba Laughs at Shikat"
- Ali Kotier
- Ali vs. Terrell, Astrodome, Houston, Texas
- Alison Maguerita
- All the Boys
- All the Things I Hold Dear
- All together! : enlist in the Navy or Naval Reserve
- Allegorical Figure of Father Time
- Allegorical Group [Female Figure and Angel]
- Allegory: Project for a Frontispiece
- Allegory of Abundance (Ceres with Putti)
- Allegory of Maternity
- Allegory of Sculpture, Painting, and Architecture
- Allegory of the Hunt after Luca Penni
- Allegory of Time
- Almonds, Oysters, Sweets, Chestnuts, and Wine on a Wooden Table
- Alpha, Omega
- Altar Cross
- Altar for Royal Mass, from Souvenirs du Camp de Châlons
- Altar of Saturn, Rome, Italy
- Altes Museum, Berlin
- Alyscamps (Roman Necropolis): Overall view, Roman road lined with tombs and mausoleums
- Alyscamps (Roman Necropolis): Sarcophagus, formerly part of Les Alyscamps
- Alyscamps (Roman Necropolis): Sarcophagus, formerly part of Les Alyscamps
- Amateur circus life.
- Ambroise Vollard
- Amer Fort: Detail, one gate in the fortification walls
- Amer[ique] Sep[tentrionale] partie des États Unis, no. 41.
- America
- America, siue India Nova : ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui vniversalis imitationem in compendium redacta
- "America's Wrestling Big Six Ready for Another Invasion of Wrestling Stars," Al Mayer
- American Country Life: May Morning, after Fanny Palmer
- American Field Sports: Flushed, after Charles Parsons
- American Field Sports: Retrieving, after A. F. Tait
- American Hotel, Amsterdam: Distant view with corner tower
- American Scenery, Palenville, N.Y.
- American Slavery Manuscript Collection
- Americque septentrionale
- Amérique Septentrionale : publiée sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans prémier prince du sang
- Amérique septentrionale avec les routes : distances en miles, limites et etablissements françois et anglois
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Band of reliefs, two rows of quatrefoils
- Amiens Cathedral: Column capital fragment on display
- Amiens Cathedral: Detail, base of trumeau figure, north portal
- Amiens Cathedral: Detail, jamb figures of the Apostles on the west facade, portal of the Beau Dieu
- Amiens Cathedral: North side of the cathedral with houses, boats, and embankment
- Amiens Cathedral: Our Lady, Mere de Dieu, the central trumeau, south portal of west facade
- Amiens Cathedral: Plaster casts of various sculptural reliefs on display
- Amiens Cathedral: South portal of west facade
- Amiens Cathedral: View of lower half of cathedral, below rose window
- Amiens Cathedral: View of nave looking towards apse
- Amman Citadel: Remains of Roman public baths
- Amman Citadel: Remains of the colonnaded street leading to the odeium (Odeon)
- Amman Citadel: Remains of the theater, view before restoration
- Amman Citadel: Ruins identified as a Temple to Helios
- Amphitheater, near Capua: Exterior of the amphitheater showing remains of two tiers
- Amphitheater, near Capua: Service area beneath the arena
- Amphitheater, near Capua: Service area beneath the arena; corridor and cages
- Amplissimae regionis Mississippi seu Provinciae Ludovicianae â R.P. Ludovico Hennepin Francisc. Miss. in America Septentrionali anno 1687
- Amusquibar, Matheo de, et al, Instructions to Don Manuel de Ylarduy
- An accurate map of Canada, with the adjacent countries : exhibiting the late seat of war between the English & French in those parts
- An accurate map of the United States of America : according to the treaty of peace of 1783
- An Acrobat, Limerick
- "An Admired Song Called Youghal Harbour"
- An Allegory of a Spanish Victory
- An Allegory of Time and Beauty
- An Angel (verso)
- An appeal to the women of the United States
- An Arcadian Landscape
- An Architect Supervising Building Works
- An Egyptian Mameluke Defending a Wounded French Trumpeter at Waterloo
- An Elegant and Eccentric Woman at the Time of the Directory
- "An Elegy on the Death of the Much Lamented Doctor D. M. O'Brien"
- "An Elegy on the Death of the Much Lamented Very Rev. Bishop McCabe. Air 'Exile of Erin'"
- "An Elegy on the Much Lamented Death of the Very Reverend Dr. Spratt. By Job Sadler"
- "An Old and Favorite Ballad, Entitled The Maid of Lisburn Town"
- "An Old and Popular Ballad Entitled Annie Moore"
- "An Open Letter to the New York State Athletic Commission"
- An Urgent Treaty of Peace between the Big Five [Un Tratado Urgente de Paz Entre los Cinco Grandes]
- Anales de la inquisicion desde que fué instituido aquel tribunal hasta su total extincion en el año 1834. : Obra escrita con presencia de datos auténticos procedentes del archivo de aquel tribunal,
- Ancestral Reliquary Guardian Figure
- Ancient Corinth: Fountains: One of the Roman fountains beneath Acrocorinth
- Ancient Theater, Taormina: Looking down into the cavea to proscenium with back wall of the scena
- Ancient Theater, Taormina: Top of the theater wall with walkway, cavea to the left
- And they thought we couldn't fight
- And Veronica Is Still among Us with Her Veil of Compassion... [et Véronique au tendre lin, pass encore sur le chemin...], plate XXXIII from Miserere
- Anderson-Reavis Correspondence
- Andre Routis, France
- Andrea's Day One
- Andrew Cole, et al., Town Meeting Notice
- Andrew Cole Petition
- Andrew Jackson
- Andrew Jackson
- Andrew Jackson, Hero New Orleans
- Andrew Jackson, Hero of New Orleans
- Andrew Jackson from Portrait Gallery of Distinguished American Citizens
- Andrew Johnson
- André Roch Skiing
- Andy DiVodi, New York
- Anemonías
- Angel Appearing to the Shepherds
- Angel Del Temblor (Angel of the Earthquake)
- Angel Departing from the Family of Tobias
- "Angelo Lorenzo"
- "Angelo Martinelli-Most Colorful of All Italian Wrestlers"
- Angels Carrying a Banner (recto)
- Angels Carrying a Banner (recto); An Angel (verso)
- Angers Cathedral: Interior, detail, pulpit and tapestries
- Angers Cathedral: Overall view, west facade with towers
- Angkor Wat: Center axial avenue of the temple complex leading into the central shrine
- Angkor Wat: Central temple mountain with quincunx of towers
- Angkor Wat: Detail, broken fragment of a naga balustrade
- Angkor Wat: Detail of ornamental carving of foliate forms
- Angkor Wat: Distant context view of Prasat Angkor Wat across pond
- Angkor Wat: Distant context view of showing the central inner quincunx of towers
- Angkor Wat: Entry tower, part of the ring of galleried temples; this one on the central axis
- Angkor Wat: Exterior, arcade of outer galleried temple with the quincunx of towers behind
- Angkor Wat: Exterior staircase of the tower at the corner of the second-level gallery
- Angkor Wat: Exterior staircase to different levels of terraces of the site
- Angkor Wat: Overall view of the inner gallery, the Bakan, and the steps up to the corner tower
- Angoulême Cathedral: Exterior, view of the south side of church and side portal
- Angoulême Cathedral: Exterior, west facade
- Angoulême Cathedral: Exterior detail, south porch
- Angoulême Cathedral: Exterior detail of apse
- Angoulême Cathedral: Interior view of nave looking towards altar
- Angular Pipe
- Angustias de un padre de familias.
- Animal Form Bowl
- Anna Mae from Five Beauties Rising
- Anna Quincy Thaxter Cushing Diary
- "Annathema"
- Anne, Marchioness Townshend
- Annie Oakley
- Annual reception programs, CIIS YM/YWCA
- Annunciation
- Annunciation
- Annunciation
- Annunciation
- Annunciation
- Anonymous Collection Lamenting Conditions in Colonial Lima
- Anonymous Notebook Containing "Minuta de Libros…"
- Anonymous Spanish Love Poems
- "Another Bunch of Wrestling Favorites Invade the East as the Mat Game Enjoys the Biggest Boom in a Decade," Al Mayer
- Another View of the Facade of the Pronaos as Drawn and Described in Plate V, Plate VI from Different Views of Paestum
- Another View of the Interior of the Pronaos, Plate VIII from Different Views of Paestum
- Another View of the Remains of the College of Anfictions, Plate IX from Different Views of Paestum
- "Answer to the Irish Emigrant," and "Long Long Ago"
- Anthropomorphic Crocodilian Figure
- Anthropomorphic Effigy Vessel
- Anthropomorphic Falcon Figure Holding Trophy Head
- Anthropomorphic Jaguar Figure
- "Antidotum contra Virulentam Novatorum Insaniam / Beatissimo P.N. Benedicto XIV Dicatum"
- Anton Christoforidas
- Anton Matysek
- Anton Matysek
- Anton Raadik
- Antwerp Cathedral: Interior, Gothic Revival carved oak choir screen and choir stalls
- Antwerp Cathedral: Interior, nave looking towards altar, pulpit on the right
- Antwerp Cathedral: Overall aerial view showing entire cathedral facing the river Scheldt
- Antwerp Cathedral: Side view and spires viewed from the Groenplaats
- Antwerp Cathedral: Spires viewed from the Groenplaats
- Antwerp Central Railway Station: Overall view, facade on Astrid square
- Antwerp City Hall: Overall view facing the Grote Markt
- Antwerp City Hall: View of the upper gallery of the interior courtyard, with frescoes on the ground level
- Antwerp Guild Houses: Overall view, guild houses on the north side of the square
- Anuradhapura: Overall view of one of the temple complexes with domed dagoba
- APDM, "Lo que queremos"
- APDM Account Ledgers and Financial Records
- APDM Assembly
- APDM Assembly
- APDM Assembly
- APDM Envelopes
- APDM Flyer, "A las mujeres de la República…"
- APDM Membership and Address Lists
- APDM Statues and Bylaws
- APDM Voting Recrods
- Apollo and the Four Seasons
- Apologia del santo Tribunal de la Inquisicion en la memorable historia del ilustrisimo Señor D. Fr. Bartolome Carranza, arzobispo de Toledo ...
- Appian Way: Appian Way, lined with family tombs near Rome
- Appian Way: Overall view, showing remnants of structures, probably family tombs
- Apple Branches
- Appleton.
- Appointment of Comisario de Barrio, Arequipa
- Appointment of Mayor Domo, Cofradia Stmo Sacramento and Cofradia Accounts, Cuzco
- Apuntes para la vida de Felipe II y para la historia del santo oficio en España. : (Coleccion de articulos publicados en El Imparcial)
- Apurate Dolores
- Aqua Appia: View of above ground section
- Aqueduct Avre, Double Bridge at Saint-Cloud: Ground-level view of two-level bridge passing over the Seine
- Aquí Vive Lilian/Una Puerta Naranja
- Arab
- Arab Figures before a Building
- Arabes d'Oran
- Arc de Triomphe: Overall three-quarter view
- Arc de Triomphe: Overall view from the center of the Champs-Elysées
- Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel: Context view
- Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel: Overall raking view from the front, west side
- Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel: Overall view from front
- Arch 641 Environics Program Introduction tape1
- Arch 641 Environics Program Introduction tape2
- Arch 641 Pittsburgh tape1
- Arch 641 Pittsburgh tape2
- Arch 641 Session 14 Coastal Cities Tape3
- Arch 641 Session 35 National Park Tape1
- Arch 641 Session 35 National Park Tape2
- Arch 641 Session 36 TVA Tape2
- Arch 641 Session 38 Ecouleegia tape2
- Arch 641 Session 39A Ecouleegia Tape1
- Arch 641 Session 39A Ecouleegia Tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 10 Valleys tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 10 Valleys tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 11 Prairie tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 11 Prairie tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 12 Lake Side [might be something else] tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 12 Lake Side tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 13 Riverside tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 13 Riverside tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 14 Coastal Cities tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 14 Coastal Cities tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 16 Island Cities tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 16 Island Cities tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 18 Energy tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 2 Environics Influences tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 20 Transportation tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 20 Transportation tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 21 Environic Hygiene tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 21 Environic Hygiene tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 22 and 23 Guest and Waste tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 22 Waste tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 23 Guest tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 24 Industrial Reclamation tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 24 Industrial Reclamation tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 25 Recreology tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 28 Geotecture Thalaspace tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 3 Planning Paradox tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 3 Planning Paradox tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 30 Population Density tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 31 Planning Controls tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 31 Planning Controls tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 32 Planning by Possession tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 32 Planning by Possession tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 33 Enviroculture tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 33 Enviroculture tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 34 Demonstration Cities tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 36 TVA tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 38 Ecouleegia tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 4 Topographical Imperative tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 4 Topographical Imperative tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 5 Human Appreciation tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 5 Human Appreciation tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 7 Historic Economy tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 7 Historic Economy tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 8 Topographic tape1
- Arch 641 Session Number 8 Topographic tape2
- Arch 641 Session Number 9 Mountains tape1
- ARCH 642
- Arch 642
- Arch 642, tape 2
- Arch 642 4 Littoral Climax Aesthetic Values Rivers
- Arch 642 Aesthetics tape1
- Arch 642 Aesthetics tape2
- Arch 642 Aiah Pessima
- Arch 642 Airways Airports
- Arch 642 Harbors Shipping Dracones Hovercraft
- Arch 642 Highways
- Arch 642 Lutton tape1
- Arch 642 Lutton tape2
- Arch 642 Number 3.5 Hi Paddington tape1
- Arch 642 Number 3.5 Hi Paddington tape2
- Arch 642 Number 4 Hi Paddington tape1
- Arch 642 Number 5 Hi Paddington New Barbican tape1
- Arch 642 Number 5 Hi Paddington New Barbican tape2
- Arch 642 Number 6 New Barbican
- Arch 642 Number 6 New Barbican tape2
- Arch 642 On Congruity and the English Experience
- Arch 642 On Design Dilligence Continuity with Respect to Synecopohs
- Arch 642 On Fractual Design Interpretations of High Paddington
- Arch 642 On Thalatecture
- Arch 642 Pakistan tape1
- Arch 642 Pakistan tape1
- Arch 642 Pakistan tape1
- Arch 642 Pakistan tape1
- Arch 642 Pakistan tape2
- Arch 642 Pakistan tape2
- Arch 642 Pakistan tape2
- Arch 642 Pakistan tape2
- Arch 642 Richard Moser Climate Legalities
- Arch 642 Said tape1
- Arch 642 Session Number 3 High Paddington tape1
- Arch 642 Session Number 3 High Paddington tape2
- Arch 642 Session Number 64 [tape is broken]
- Arch 642 tape1
- Arch 642 tape1
- Arch 642 tape1
- Arch 642 tape1
- Arch 642 Thalatecture tape2
- Arch 642 Urban Gerontology
- Arch 642 Urban Rural tape1
- Arch 642 Urban Rural tape2
- Arch 642 W Godfrey On Definitions of Thalatecture
- Arch of Augustus, Rimini: Detail, original Roman arch and added Medieval merlons
- Arch of Commodus, Lambaesis: Raking view of remains of arch
- Arch of Constantine: Overall view, arch
- Arch of Dolabella and Silanus: Overall view
- Arch of Drusus: Overall view
- Arch of Janus: Overall view, one of the four faces of the arch
- Arch of Septimius Severus: View of the arch and its position on the Forum Romanum
- Arch of the Silversmiths, Rome
- Arch of Titus: Detail relief, The Spoils of Jerusalem
- Arch of Titus: Distant context view on the Via Sacra looking into Forum
- Arch of Titus: Overall view, side with original dedication inscription
- Arch of Trajan at Timgad, Algeria
- Archaeological Site of Troy: Portion of the legendary walls of Troy (Level VII)
- Archbishop's Palace, Burgos: View of main portal
- Archbishop's Palace, Sens: Detail, Renaissance sculpted portal
- Archie Gillespie
- Archie Moore
- Architectural Lantern Slides
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Algeria
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Austria
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Belgium
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Bohemia and Moravia (present-day Czechia)
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Bolivia
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Brazil
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Cambodia
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka)
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Croatia
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Egypt
- Architectural Lantern Slides of France
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Germany
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Greece
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Guatemala
- Architectural Lantern Slides of India (includes present-day Pakistan)
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Indochina (present-day Viet Nam)
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Indonesia
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Italy
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Jordan
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Lebanon
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Mexico
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Myanmar
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Netherlands
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Palestine (includes present-day Israel)
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Panama
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Paraguay
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Persia (present-day Iran)
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Peru
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Portugal
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Russia (includes present-day Ukraine and Georgia)
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Spain
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Switzerland
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Syria
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Thailand
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Tunisia
- Architectural Lantern Slides of Turkey
- Architectural Lantern Slides of United Kingdom
- Architectural Study for a Stage Design
- Arco delle Scalette: Overall view
- Arco delle Scaletteo, Vicenza, Italy
- Are We Not in Chains? [Ne sommes-nous pas forçats?], plate VI from Miserere
- Arena of Nîmes: Detail, exterior walls
- Arena of Nîmes: Detail, exterior walls
- Arena of Nîmes: Overall interior view
- Arena of Nîmes: Overall interior view
- Arena y Pinitos (Sand and Small Pines)
- Arenga pronunciada en el primer arco de la caja de la agua por un joven vestido de Inca el día del arrivo de S.E. el presidente de la república a esta capital el día 19 de mayo de 1839 : ¡hatun apu auqui!
- Arequipa libre.
- Argentina "Caballero" Certificate, José Durand
- Argentina Rocca Wrestling Posters
- ARGUE AND PHIBBS Solicitors, Sligo
- Arise,Ye Dead! [Debout les morts!], plate LIV from Miserere
- Arithmetria, Plate 4 from the series The Seven Liberal Arts
- Arles Arena: Detail, exterior view of entrance
- Arles Arena: Overall exterior view of entrance
- Arles Arena: Overall view of interior of arena
- Armadillo Effigy Jar
- Armadillo Effigy Whistle
- Armband with Serpent
- Army & Navy Club, London, England
- Army Surgeon Certification, D. Ricardo L. Flores
- "Around the World With Jack Pfefer in Search of New Talent. Make Their Acquaintance Here They Are," Al Mayer
- Arrancan!.
- "Arrendamiento, Carta de Poder" (Incomplete), Arequipa
- Arrest des inquisiteurs, ordinaire, et députés de la Ste. Inquistion, contre le pere Gabriel Malagrida, jesuite, lû dans l'acte public de foi, célébré à Lisbonne le 20 septembre 1761. : Traduit sur l'imprimé portugais.
- Arrested Woman in a Police Van
- Arrow
- Art Lasky
- Art Sykes
- Art Wieband, Buffalo, Ny.
- Artes de la Inquisizion española. : Primer traduczion castellana de la obra escrita en latin
- [Arthur] Stanley Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, London, England
- Arthur DeKuh, Italy
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, France, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dieppe, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, France, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dieppe, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, France, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Hampshire, England, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dieppe, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Havre, France, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dieppe, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England, to Anna Le Rossignol, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Michelham, France, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Surrey, England, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Surrey, England, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Surrey, England, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, Surrey, England, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Anna Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Anna Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Amiens, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dieppe, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dieppe, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dieppe, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dorset, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Dorset, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, London, England
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Radnov, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Zuydcoote, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Zuydcoote, France
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Mary and Ernest Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Miss Le Rossignol, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Arthur Le Rossignol, to Miss Le Rossignol, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Article, A.J. Liebling, "Pull His Whiskers!" in The New Yorker, Vol. 15, No. 21 (Facsimile)
- Article, Jack Miley, "Jake's Juggernauts," in Collier's Magazine, 22 October 1938 (Facsimile), with Correspondence, George Rugg and Mark Palmer
- Article, Joseph Mitchell, "Interview with a Wrestling Promoter," in Sports Digest (Facsimile)
- Article, Joseph Mitchell, "Like Children, the Bums"
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Articles on Jack Pfefer
- Artist’s Study of Monk
- Arts and Crafts Dining Room
- Arturo Godoy
- Arturo Godoy, South America
- Artwork by Limonov
- Arundel Castle: Distant context view with construction crane visible
- Asafo Military Society Flag
- Asclepias syriaca (Cornuti): Silkweed Flower Enlarged Eighteen Times from Urformen der Kunst: Photographische Pflanzenbilder
- Ash Banquet #4
- Ash Splint Basket
- Ash Splint Basket
- Ashbaugh Madonna
- Asher & Adams' Wisconsin.
- Ashtray
- Asociación Pro-Derechos de la Mujer (APDM) History and Ideology
- Aspens, Northern New Mexico
- Assassination of Professor Arnulfo Sosa Portillo
- Assiniboin Indians
- Assisi Cathedral: View of the facade and campanile
- Assumption of Our Lady Cathedral, Bolzano, Italy
- Assumption of the Virgin
- Assyrian Relief Sculpture of Ashurbanipal Hunting a Lion, British Museum, London
- Assyrian Relief Sculpture of Bel, Ninip, and Other Deities, British Museum, London
- Assyrian Relief Sculpture of Grazing Goats and Young, British Museum, London
- Assyrian Relief Sculpture of Hunted Goats, British Museum, London
- At the Breakfast Table
- At the Locks at Dolo [Ale porte del Dolo, from the series Vedute altre presse da i luoghi altre ideate da Antonio Canal]
- Atalaya contra vitalicios.
- Athens Acropolis: Erechtheion: Distant context view, showing the Porch of the Maidens, west end, south side
- Athens Acropolis: Erechtheion: East facade, viewed from the east southeast
- Athens Acropolis: Erechtheion: Historic view of the caryatid in the British Museum, taken by Lord Elgin
- Athens Acropolis: Erechtheion: View of cast of one caryatid in museum
- Athens Acropolis: Erechtheion: View of the "Porch of the Maidens", west end of the south side
- Athens Acropolis: Parthenon: Distant context view from the northwest
- Athens Acropolis: Parthenon: East facade viewed from interior
- Athens Acropolis: Parthenon: View of east side facade
- Athens Acropolis: Parthenon: View of west facade
- Athens Acropolis: Propylaia: Distant context view of the approach to the Propylaia and temple of Athena Nike, showing the height of the slope
- Athens Acropolis: Propylaia: East facade of central hall
- Athens Acropolis: Temple of Athena Nike: Overall view, seen from above
- Athens Acropolis: Temple of Athena Nike: Overall view with Ionic facade
- Athens Agora: Gate between Roman Agora and Athens Agora
- "Athletic Celebration and Presentation of C's [for 1909]"
- "Athletic Celebration and Presentation of Cs for 1908"
- Athur Le Rossignol, to Ethel Le Rossignol, Kensington, London, England
- Atlanta Campaign, Army of the Cumberland. Divine Service by Rev. P. P. Cooney
- Atlanta Karte der Besatzungs-Zonen : mit neuen Postleitgebieten = Map of the occupation areas = Carte des zones d'occupation = Karta okkupat͡sionnykh zon.
- Attention! aviators - drafted men : thorough courses in wireless telegraphy and setting up machine gun at the east side branch Y.M.C.A.
- Audiencia Documents
- Augsburg Cathedral: Detail, southern portal with visitors
- "Augusto Durand, Presidente del Congreso" Documents
- Aunt Emmy
- [Auto da fe].
- Auto de fe celebrado en la ciudad de Logroño en los dias 7 y 8 de noviembre del año de 1610 : siendo inquisidor general el cardenal, arzobispo de Toledo, Don Bernardo de Sandobal y Roxas
- Auto de fe celebrado en la ciudad de Logroño en los dias 7 y 8 de noviembre del año de 1610 : siendo inquisidor general el cardenal, arzobispo de Toledo, Don Bernardo de sandobal y Roxas
- Auto de la fé celebrado en Madrid este año de M DC XXXII.
- Auto publico de fee : celebrado en la ciudad de Sevilla, domingo 29. de março año 1648.
- "Auto que se celebro en La Villa de Valladolid donde salio Casalla, su madre Ereçuelo y otras personas"
- "Autos Criminales," Patricio Gonzales
- Autumn Landscape or Brush Burners
- Avian Effigy Bowl
- Avian Pendant
- Avian Pendant in the Form of a Harpy Eagle
- Avignon Cathedral: Interior view, looking into Baroque apse
- Avignon Cathedral: Sculptural group of the Calvary on the terrace of Notre-Dame-des-Doms
- "Aviso para que no se permita el paso de libros prohibidos"
- Aytona, Marquesa de [Aitona], "Señor mio. Con mucha estimación…"
- À buen padre mejor hijo, Antioco y Seleuco
- B. H. Stevens, London, England, to Ethel Le Rossignol, n. p.
- Baalbek: Sanctuary of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, hexagonal court
- Baalbek: Sanctuary of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, propylaeum
- Baalbek: View of the monolith known as the "Stone of the Pregnant Woman"
- Bab Kisan: View of old city wall
- Babban Riga (Great Gown)
- Babe Herman, San Francisco, Calif.
- Babe McGorgary, Oklahoma
- Baby Arizmendi, Tampico, Mexico
- Bacchus and Ariadne
- Bacchus and Ariadne
- Bacchus and Ariadne, an Allegory of Autumn
- Bacchus and Ceres
- Bachelor Blanket or Boy's Blanket
- Back our girls over there : United War Work Campaign
- (Backward) Standing Figure
- "Bad Boy Brown. The Riot Man"
- Bag
- Bag
- Baiae: Terme di Baia, "Temple of Diana," part of the baths
- Baiae: Terme di Baia, "Temple of Venus," part of the baths
- Baiae: Terme di Baia, "Temple of Venus," part of the baths, detail
- Baiae: Terme di Baia, "Temple of Venus," part of the baths, view
- Bajo el Mismo Sol
- Baker's Falls, plate 8 from the Hudson River Portfolio, after William Guy Wall
- Bakong: Two of the brick temple towers before restoration
- Bal Mussette des Quatre Saisons, Rue de Lappe, Paris
- "Balanza de Astrea," Lima
- Balconies from The House on Myasnitskaya Street
- Ball with Carving of Zoomorphic Face
- Ballad of Francisco Madero
- Ballerina
- Ballplayer
- Ballplayer Whistle with Yoke
- Banded Blanket
- Bandolier Bag
- Bandolier Bag
- Bandon Beach
- Bangkok, Cultural Documentation: Photograph of elephant saddle
- "Banks of the Dee"
- Banner Stone
- Baptism from Roll, Jordan, Roll
- Baptism of the Eunuch
- Baptistery, Pisa: Overall view, main portal on the left
- Baptistery of Saint John: Facade of the baptistery
- Baptistery of Saint John, Pistoia: Overall view
- Baptistery of Saint John: Southern facade
- Baptistry of Neon: Interior, central view of octagonal baptismal font
- Baptistry of Neon: Overall view of exterior
- Baptistère Saint-Jean, Poitiers, France
- Barandales
- Barbados Children
- Barbara
- Barbour scrapbook enclosures, vol. 1
- Barbour scrapbook enclosures, vol. 2
- Barbour scrapbook enclosures, vol. 3
- Barcelona Cathedral: Detail, exterior buttressing, the portal of Saint Iu and base of the bell tower
- Barcos de Vela
- Barda de Panteon (Cemetery Wall)
- Bardo Palace: Detail, small courtyard which connects parts of the complex
- Bardo Palace: Interior of one of the palaces with reception hall and throne room
- Bark Beater
- Bark Canoe with Quillwork Design
- Barney Ross, Chicago
- Barrier Family Letters
- Bartet and Mounet-Sully, in Antigone
- Bartholdi Fountain, Lyons: Overall view
- Bas-Relief of Queen Cleopatra
- Base of Blackenware Lidded Box
- Basel Cathedral: Exterior view of church showing cloister attaching to the church
- Basel Cathedral: Interior, aisle framing windows with Gothic tracery
- Basel Cathedral: Interior, detail of baptismal font with conical lid
- Basel Cathedral: Interior, looking into cloister
- Basel Cathedral: Interior view of nave looking towards choir, pulpit on the right
- Basel Cathedral: Overall side view, showing colorful roof tiles
- Basel Cathedral: Overall view, the Romanesque St Gallen portal
- Basilica Aemilia: Remains of Basilica Aemilia
- Basilica Alexander, Tipaza: View of remnants of arches from a side aisle
- Basilica Cathedral of Arequipa: Detail of the two towers of the facade
- Basilica-Cathedral of Our Lady of the Pillar, Saragossa: Distant overall view
- Basilica-Cathedral of Our Lady of the Pillar, Saragossa: Interior detail, nave at crossing
- Basilica de San Vicente: Overall view
- Basilica de San Vicente: Overall view, from the south
- Basilica della Consolata, Turin: Facade, dome and memorial column
- Basilica della Santa Casa, Loreto: Detail, bronze doors by Antonio Lombardi
- Basilica della Santa Casa, Loreto: Overall view of facade, with fountain in the Piazza della Madonna
- Basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato, Genoa
- Basilica di San Marco, Rome: Overall view
- Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso: Raking view of facade with dome
- Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assisi: Exterior view of side and Neoclassic facade
- Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assisi: Interior, view of nave looking towards the Porziuncola
- Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute: Interior view, chapel with High Altar to the right
- Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute: Lower exterior facade
- Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute: Overall exterior view, viewed from the Grand Canal
- Basilica di Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Rome: Approach to the monastery with Romanesque bell tower
- Basilica Julia: Overall view, showing arches of back wall, facing Temple of Castor and Pollux in background
- Basilica of Maxentius: General view, central area surrounded by arcades
- Basilica of Maxentius: General view, from the south
- Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière: Overall view
- Basilica of Notre-Dame du Port, Clermont-Ferrand: Detail, tower over the crossing, transept portal, and South door with tympanum
- Basilica of Notre-Dame du Port, Clermont-Ferrand: Romanesque capital on display
- Basilica of Notre-Dame du Port, Clermont-Ferrand: Romanesque capital on display
- Basilica of Our Lady, Nice: Overall view
- Basilica of Our Lady of La Salette: Distant view
- Basilica of Our Lady of Montligeon: Distant context view of the church in the countryside
- Basilica of Our Lady of the Augustinians: Raking view of facade
- Basilica of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Lourdes: Distant, elevated view of site with spire of the Basilica at center
- Basilica of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Lourdes: Interior, looking towards apse and altar
- Basilica of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Lourdes: Pilgrims walking along a processional route
- Basilica of our Lady of the Rosary, Lourdes: Exterior detail, central portal depicting Mary handing the Rosary to St. Dominic
- Basilica of Saint Abundius: Overall view, facade with bell towers in the rear
- Basilica of Saint Anne of Auray: Overall view of the church
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Cappella del Santo, containing the Arca S Antonio
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Distant context view
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Exterior, main facade
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Exterior view of circular Tesoro Chapel and bell towers
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Interior, Chapel of St. James
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Interior, holy water stoup next to monument of Alessandro Contarini in the nave
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Interior detail, Bronze gate or screen in front of high altar
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Interior view of nave looking towards apse and altar
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Monument to Alessandro Contarini
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: Overall elevated view
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: The Magnolia or Chapter Courtyard
- Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua: View of high altar with sculpture by Donatello
- Basilica of Saint Castor: Overall view of the west facade and towers with rhomboid roofs
- Basilica of Saint-Denis, Saint-Denis, France
- Basilica of Saint Domenic: Facade, with bronze statue of St. Dominic on column
- Basilica of Saint Domenic: Interior
- Basilica of Saint Martin (interior detail), Halle, Belgium
- Basilica of Saint-Martin d'Ainay: Overall view of the apse end of the church and remnants of abbey
- Basilica of Saint Nazaire and Saint Celse: Overall three-quarter view showing Romanesque church with Gothic transept and apse
- Basilica of Saint Salsa, Tipaza: Overall view, of ruins of the basilica and graveyard
- Basilica of Saint Salsa, Tipaza: Overall view, of ruins of the basilica and graveyard
- Basilica of Saint Stephen: Church of the Holy Crucifix
- Basilica of Saint Stephen: Detail, SS. Vitale e Agricola (left), San Sepolcro, (right)
- Basilica of Saint Stephen: Detail, upper gallery, of the two-story Benedictine cloister
- Basilica of San Domenico: Distant view, facade and campanile
- Basilica of San Domenico: Interior, nave with chapel entrances on either side
- Basilica of San Lorenzo, Milan: External portico, Colonne di San Lorenzo
- Basilica of San Petronio: Detail, interior, one of the funeral chapels
- Basilica of San Petronio: Detail, raking view of lower facade, with unfinished facade above
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe: Exterior view showing polygonal apse and campanile
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe: Interior, nave looking towards apse and altar
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: Exterior facade and campanile
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: Interior, 6th century marble sarcophagus with birds and lambs
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: Interior view of the nave looking towards altar
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: Nave detail
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: Nave interior, right side, detail
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: Nave mosaics, detail
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: Nave mosaics, detail, left side
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: Nave mosaics, detail, left side
- Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: View into cloister garden courtyard
- Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome, Italy
- Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome
- Basilica of Superga: View of the facade on the approach up the hill
- Basilica of the Holy Blood: Exterior, Gothic facade and entrance to the upper church
- Basilica of the Holy Blood: Interior, upper church and main altar, globe-shaped pulpit to the left
- Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem: Baroque facade, bell tower behind
- Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem: Baroque interior, nave looking towards altar and apse
- Basilica of the Holy Saviour, Dinan: Distant view, apsidal end, with radiating chapels
- Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza, Italy
- Basilica Santo Spirito, Ravenna
- Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, Paris: Distant overall view
- Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, Paris: Overall frontal view from below summit
- Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, Paris: Overall three-quarter view from the front right
- Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, Paris: View from side rear showing Byzantine Revival apses
- Basket
- Basket
- Basket
- Basket Depicting Women with Joined Hands
- Basket of Light
- Basta! La historia de nuestra lucha = Enough! The tale of our struggle
- Basílica da Estrela: Interior, nave under dome, looking towards high altar
- Basílica da Estrela: Overall view, apsidal facade
- Bat-Effigy, Spouted Tripod Bowl
- Batalha Monastery: Cloister of King João I, arcade with screens
- Batalha Monastery: Detail of roof spires showing crockets
- Batalha Monastery: Exterior detail, facade of the Capelas Imperfeitas
- Batalha Monastery: Exterior detail of the Cloister of King João I arcade, showing screens
- Batalha Monastery: Interior, Tomb of King João I inside the Founder's Chapel
- Batalha Monastery: Overall view, church and facade of the Capelas Imperfeitas
- Batalha Monastery: Overall view, main facade of the church
- Bather
- Baths of Caligula, Rome, Italy
- Baths of Caracalla: Raking view across the front of the remains of the complex
- Baths of Caracalla: View in interior of the complex, capital in the foreground
- Baths of Diocletian: Distant view, seen from the northeast
- Bathsheba
- Battle of Antietam
- Battle of Antietam
- Battle of Coal [sic] Harbor
- Battle of the Weldon Rail Road
- Battle of the Wilderness, VA
- Battle Report re. 22nd Wisconsin, 1864 May 16-July 10
- Battle Scene from the series The History of Emperor Maximilian I and His Ancestors
- Battle Scene or The Block-House at Antwerp from the series The History of Emperor Maximilian I and His Ancestors
- Battling King-Levinsky
- Battling Nelson, Chicago
- Baumeisterhaus: Baumeisterhaus
- Bayeux Cathedral: Distant context view of the two towers of the facade viewed through a side street
- Bayeux Cathedral: Interior detail, view of choir stalls before the altar
- Bayeux Cathedral: Interior of nave looking towards apse and altar
- Bayeux Cathedral: Overall view, exterior of the apse
- Bayeux Cathedral: View of transept and porch from the northeast
- Bayezid II Mosque: Overall aerial view of entire külliye
- Bayonne Cathedral: Detail, entry portal with Romanesque remnants
- BBC America: Aristocracy, 1870-1997
- BBC America: History of British Art
- BBC America: History of British Art, Andrew Graham-Dixon
- BBC America: Travels with Pevsner: County Norfolk; North Yorkshire; Dorset; Durham
- Bead BAg
- Beaded and Painted Pouch
- Beaded Belt
- Beaded Flat Bag
- Beaded Gauntlets with Word in Cree Alphabet
- Beaded Gauntlets with Word in Cree Alphabet [Left]
- Beaded Gauntlets with Word in Cree Alphabet [Right]
- Beaded Hide Sheath
- Beaded Knife Sheath
- Beaded Matches Holder
- Beaded Necklace
- Beaded Paint Bag
- Beaded Pillow
- Beaded Pouch
- Beaded Purse
- Beaded Puzzle Bag Purse
- Beaded Sheath for Knife
- Beaded Tobacco Bag
- Beaded Tourist Object in the Shape of a Heart
- Beaded Tourist Object in the Shape of a Six-Point Star
- Beaded Tourist Object in the Shape of a Woman's Boot
- Beaded Tourist Object in the Shape of an Eight-Point Star
- Bear's Belly, Arikara, plate 150 from The North American Indian
- Beat back the Hun with Liberty bonds
- Beau Jack, Augusta, Ga
- Beaucaire Castle: Overall distant view across the Rhone, with large polygonal tower to the right
- Beaucaire Castle: Overall view, Romanesque chapel with bell tower and remains of wall
- Beauvais Cathedral: Exterior detail, raking view of south transept façade and portal with rose window
- Beauvais Cathedral: Exterior detail, view of north transept façade and portal
- Beauvais Cathedral: Exterior view of south transept façade and rose window
- Before sunset buy a U.S. government bond of the 2nd liberty loan of 1917
- Before the Fireplace (No. 1)
- Beggar Woman with Two Children
- Begijnhof, Amsterdam: Detail, Het Houten Huis, lower facade
- Beguinage of Bruges: Distant context view showing entry bridge and entrance gate to the left of the bridge
- Beguinage of Bruges: Exterior view of the Béguinage church, St. Elizabeth
- Beguinage of Bruges: Exterior view of the Béguinage church, St. Elizabeth
- Beguinage of Bruges: Overall view, one of the common buildings, a chapel
- Beheading of John the Baptist
- Beheading of John the Baptist
- Belando, Nicolas de Jesus, "Declaracion firmada por Belando..."
- Belfry and Cloth Hall: Overall view, Cloth Hall to the right
- Bell with One Trophy Head on Each Side
- Bellanda Tower, Nice
- Belle Godshuis Museum: Raking view of chapel facade and attached row houses
- "Belly Pushing-What Kind of a Sport is That?"
- Belt Pouch
- Belém Cathedral: View of facade from the cathedral square
- Belém Tower: Overall view of the tower with the bastion behind
- Beneath a Forgotten Crucifix [Sous un Jésus en crois oublié là], plate XX from Miserere
- Beneath a Forgotten Crucifix [Sous un Jésus en croix oublié là], plate XX from Miserere
- Benedictine Monastery, Catania: Interior view of courtyards with double corridors
- Benedictine Monastery, Catania: Raking view of the facade
- Beni Hasan: Entrance to one of the tombs with protective gates, donkey and guides
- Benjamin Cole, Treasury Accounts and Town Meeting Memoranda
- Benjamin Wilbore, "Jeremiah Witherel summons"
- Benjamin Williams, "Betty Chase examination"
- Benjamin Williams, "Stephen Wilbore recognizance"
- "Benny Feldman-The Crusher. Pfefer's New Goliath"
- "Benny Rosen, Hebrew Giant Greatest Jewish Wrestler in the Country"
- "Benny Rosen Hebrew Strong Man"
- Benny Touchstone
- Bergosa y Jordan, Dr. D. Antonio, Public edict regarding banned works
- Berlin 3
- Berlin 4
- Berlin 5
- Berlin Cathedral: Overall view of facade
- Bern Minster: Distant context view of the minster and terrace
- Bern Minster: Exterior view of lower half of main facade with Last Judgment portal
- Bern Minster: Interior, view towards altar and apse
- Bern Minster: Interior view looking back at organ loft above main entrance
- Bernard Docusen
- Bernese Alps
- Bertran, Felipe, Public edict regarding banned works
- "Best of Luck" Ceferino Garcia, Los Angeles, Calif
- Beurs van Berlage: View of corner, with clock tower
- Beveling Armor Plate for Tanks, Gary, Indiana
- [Bible : Paris] : manuscript, [ca. 1240]
- Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève: Overall view
- Bichrome Bowl with Two Water Birds
- Bicicletas en Domingo (Bicycles on Sunday)
- Bifacial Unguentarium
- "Big Jim Spencer"
- Big Lotso
- Big Red Wrench in a Landscape
- Bill Clinton
- "Bill Jones," and "I'm King of the Forest Glade" (1 of 2)
- "Bill Jones," and "I'm King of the Forest Glade" (2 of 2)
- Bill of lading for the Brig Elizabeth
- Bill of lading for the sloop Dove
- Bills
- Bills
- Bills
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills, Office, and Travel Expenses
- Bills and Office Expenses
- Bills and Travel Expenses, California
- Bills with Rudy Miller
- "Billy Byrne of Ballymanus"
- Billy Conn
- Billy Conn
- Billy Conn, Pittsburgh
- Billy Fox
- Billy Goat
- Billy Graham
- Billy Kelly, New York City
- "Billy O'Rorke"
- Billy Papke, Spring Valley, Ill.
- "Billy Pattison"
- Billy Petrole (The Fargo Exoress)
- Billy Soose
- Billy Soose, Pennsylvania
- Billy Wallace, Dawson, Alaska
- Bird Form Stirrup Spout Vessel
- Bird's Eye View, Centennial Buildings, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia
- Birdcatcher
- Birds, Bloody Foreland, Donegal
- Birmingham Black Barons records
- Biron Castle, Dordogne: Detail, Medieval donjon
- Biron Castle, Dordogne: Detail, side elevation of the double-naved chapel
- Birth House of Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, Pau: View within the courtyard
- Birth of Venus
- Birth of Venus
- Black Apples
- Black Ash Cat Tails Basket
- Black Chimneypiece
- Black EC Tower
- Black-Ground Coffee Pot
- Black Indian, Buffalo Soldiers
- Black Lion Wharf from Thames Set
- Black Madonna
- Black on Red Jar
- Black on Red Jar 2
- Black Wool Dress/Manta
- Black Wool Dress/Manta with Silver Buttons
- Blackberry from Juniper Berry/Pepper/Tomatoes/Blackberry
- Blackenware Lidded Box
- Blackware Bottle with Flame Eyebrow Motif
- Blackware Bowl with Eye Motif
- Bland and Weller's annual Collection of twenty-four Country Dances for the year 1798, with their proper figures, for the violin and German flute, etc.
- Blanket
- Blanket-Shawl (Poncho)
- Blanket strip
- Blanket Strip
- Blanket Strip
- Blanket Strip
- Blessed Exegesis
- Blessed Virgin Reading
- Blois Cathedral: Overall view
- "Blow the Candle Out"
- Blue Bottle
- Blue Glass Bead Strand (in Box with Other Beads and Necklaces)
- Blue Horizon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , 1991, from Boxing
- Blue Horizon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , 1991, from Boxing
- Blue I
- Blue Mosque, Cairo: Interior prayer hall, view of the minbar and qibla niche on the left
- Blue Mosque, Cairo: Mausoleum on the street side
- Blue Mosque, Cairo: Overall view, courtyard and pavilion
- Boar
- Boar's Head Tureen
- Bob Foxworth
- Bob Montgomery
- Bob Montgomery, Philadelphia
- Bob Murphy
- Bob Nestell Amercan
- Bob Olin, New York
- Bob Pastor
- Bob Satterfield
- "Bobby Bruns' Hobby is Pipe Collecting"
- "Bobby Bruns--The Man--Off the Mat"
- Bobby Dykes
- Bobby Garcia, El Paso, Texas
- Bode Thomas
- Body of Black-Ground Coffee Pot
- Body of George III Carved Coconut Cup
- Body of Hot Water Jug
- Body of Perfume Vase
- Body of Rococo Tureen
- Body of Teapot
- Body of Teapot [Théière Calabre]
- Boletin del Ejercito de Operaciones del Sur del Peru, No. 1-4 with Manuscript, Cuzco
- Bolzano Cathedral: Interior, nave looking towards altar
- Bonn Minster: Detail, east facade, Romanesque choir with square towers decorated with Lombard bands, flanking a galleried apse
- Bonn Minster: Overall view
- "Bonny Moor Hen"
- Bonus Slips
- Book
- Book catalogues (2 folders)
- [Book of hours : use of Rome] : manuscript, [ca. 1460-1470]
- Booker Beckwith
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Booking Calendar
- Bookings
- Bookings
- Bookings
- Booklet: Fort Collins: The Metropolis of Northern Colorado
- Booklet: This is Carlisle
- Booklet: This is Carlisle
- Borbon, L. de, "La Regencia de las Españas"
- Bordeaux Cathedral: Overall view, apsidal end with buttresses, spires of the north facade
- Bordeaux Cathedral: Raking view of south side, base of the separate Tour Pey-Berland
- Boreas and Oreithyia
- Borghese Gallery: Interior view of a gallery displaying sculpture
- Borghese Gallery: Main facade of the Villa Borghese by Ponzio
- Borobudur: Detail, bas-relief sculpture on one of the first four terrace walls
- Borobudur: Detail, looking down from the summit at the many small stupas during restoration
- Bosra, Bishop's Palace: Overall view
- Bosra, Byzantine Basilica: Overall view
- Bosra, Triumphal Arch: Overall view before restoration
- Bottle
- Bottle Flute in the Shape of a Gourd
- Bottle with Geometric Design
- Bottle with Tall Neck and Fireclouds
- Bottom of Untitled
- Boulders Off the West
- Boulevard de Strasbourg, Corsets, Paris
- Bound Christ (Ecce Homo)
- Bound manuscript. John E. Brownlee account book
- Bound manuscript. John E. Brownlee account book
- Bourbon Royal Palace of Caserta: Garden detail, the Diana and Actaeon Fountain at the foot of the Grand Cascade
- Bourbon Royal Palace of Caserta: Garden detail, the Diana and Actaeon Fountain at the foot of the Grand Cascade
- Bourbon Royal Palace of Caserta: Palace interior, view down grand staircase
- Bourg-en-Bresse Cathedral: Distant view of the facade
- Bourg-en-Bresse Cathedral: Interior, altar and stained glass of the apse
- Bourges: Half-Timbered Houses: An example of a half-timber shop and house with Gothic decoration
- Bourges Cathedral: Detail, three portals of the main facade
- Bourges Cathedral: Exterior, east apse-end with flying buttresses
- Bourges Cathedral: Exterior, view of side and east apse-end with flying buttresses
- Bowl
- Bowl
- Bowl
- Bowl
- Bowl
- Bowl
- Bowl [Covered Bowl and Stand]
- Bowl in the Shape of a Half Calabash
- Bowl of Boar's Head Tureen
- Bowl of Covered Sugar Bowl
- Bowl of One of a Pair of Écuelles
- Bowl of One of a Pair of Écuelles
- Bowl of Sugar Bowl
- Bowl of Tea Bowl and Saucer
- Bowl with 4-Point Star
- Bowl with 5 Human Eyes and Opposed Geometric Forms
- Bowl with Animal Eating Ear of Corn
- Bowl with Bold Geometric Designs
- Bowl with Checkerboard Interior
- Bowl with Concentric 4-Point Stars
- Bowl with Crane Holding Corn Stalk
- Bowl with Cross-Hatched Eye
- Bowl with Fireclouds
- Bowl with Four Joined Diamonds
- Bowl with Geometric Designs in Quarters
- Bowl with Mountain Lions Chasing Goats
- Bowl with Opposed Serrated Diagonals and Swirls
- Bowl with Quail on Interior
- Bowl with Red Obliterated Corrugated Exterior
- Bowl with Ritual Ballgame Preparation Scene
- Bowl with Spirit Face Interior
- Bowl with Stepped Bands and Triangles
- Bowl with Textured Exterior
- Bowl with Three Human Figures and a Feline
- Bowl with Thunderbird Interior
- Bowl with Tripod Feet
- Bowl with Two Bands of Connected Diamonds
- Bowl with Two Locusts
- Bowl with Two Profiles
- Bowl with Whiskered Mythical Being and Centipede
- Bowl with Zigzag Interior Design
- Box II
- Box of Projectile Points, Knives, Scrapers
- Boxers, Cologne
- Boy in Old-Time Tenement Gets the Water for His Family from a Community Spigot
- Boy Leaning on a Hydrant
- Boy Peering through the Berlin Wall
- Boy's Kilt
- Boy with Ball
- Boy with Collard Greens, near Mission, Texas
- Bôh do krivdy hromom a junák gulámi--.
- Bradford & Haverhill MA
- Brahma Temple, Pushkar, India
- Breakfast in Maine
- Breast Ornament
- Brenda Sitting on Her Bed, Ward 81, Oregon State Hospital, Salem
- "Brennan on the Moor"
- Brescia Cathedral: Interior, nave looking towards apse and altar
- Brescia Cathedral: Overall elevated view
- "Breve Compendio del Canto de Hymnos"
- Brews from News, Mews, Pews, Brews, Stews & Dues
- "Bricks & Mortar, a New Song to the Tune of "Hearts of Oak""
- Bridge and Spout Bottle in Bird Form
- Bridge of Sighs, Cambridge: Overall view
- Bridge of Sighs, Venice
- Bridged Double Vessel
- Brieven over de Spaansche inquisitie
- "Brilliant Light"
- Bristol County, Massachusetts Court Records
- Britishers, you're needed : come across now
- Broadside: passage on books
- Broadsides, Jamaica Arena, New York, New York
- Broadsides, La Arena Mexico
- Broadsides of Dan Parker Clippings
- Broken Window, Gloucester
- Broletto, Brescia: Overall view, showing balcony and base of the remaining bell tower
- Broletto, Brescia: Overall view, showing the bell tower and facade of Broletto
- Broletto, Como: Detail, lower part of clock tower and arches of loggia
- Bronco Buster
- Bronze Baptismal Font, Hildesheim Cathedral: Overall view
- Bronze Head of Aphrodite, Or Stala Aphrodite, British Museum, London
- Brothers Praying
- Brou, Priory Church: Detail, figure on the Tomb of Margaret of Austria
- Brou, Priory Church: Detail, figures on the Tomb of Margaret of Austria
- Brou, Priory Church: Detail, figures on the Tomb of Margaret of Austria
- Brou, Priory Church: Detail, figures on the Tomb of Margaret of Bourbon
- Brou, Priory Church: Detail, Tomb of Margaret of Bourbon
- Brou, Priory Church: Detail, west portal
- Brou, Priory Church: Interior, Tomb of Philibert the Fair
- Brou, Priory Church: Interior, view of the choir stalls carved by Pierre Berchod
- Brou, Priory Church: Interior detail, baptismal font with foliate detail
- Brou, Priory Church: Interior of nave showing rood screen between nave and choir
- Brou, Priory Church: Interior view of the choir in apse with original stained glass, Tomb of Philibert in foreground
- Brou, Priory Church: Margaret of Austria’s chapel on the north side of the choir with altarpiece, Seven Joys of the Virgin
- Brou, Priory Church: Oratory of Margaret of Austria
- Brou, Priory Church: Overall view, Tomb of Margaret of Bourbon
- Brou, Priory Church: Overall view, west portal
- Brou, Priory Church: Overall view of facade
- Brou, Priory Church: Tomb of Margaret of Austria
- Brou, Priory Church: View of choir looking back at nave, towards church entrance
- Brou, Priory Church: View of choir looking through the canopy of Margaret of Austria's tomb across the other tombs and choir stalls
- Brou Church Nave and Screen, Bourg-en-Bresse, France
- Brown, Thomson and Company Building, New York
- Bruce Flowers, New York
- Bruce Woodcock
- Bruges Almshouses: Exterior of almshouse with chapel
- Bruges Almshouses: Service entrance and small garden of a typical almshouse
- Bruges mill, Bruges, Belgium
- Bruges Town Hall: Overall view of the facade facing the Burg
- Bruna Rico, Francisco de, et al, Instructions to Pedro García Vaquero
- Bruna Rico, Francisco Luis de, et al, Instructions to Pedro García Baquero
- "Brunek Zagurski"
- Brussels Stock Exchange: Overall elevated view, facade
- Brussels Stock Exchange: Raking view of the facade
- Brussels Town Hall: Detail, exterior showing the original entrance staircase
- Brussels Town Hall: Overall view of the facade from Grand-Place
- "Bta. Judicial por don Juan de la Vega y Dávila Secretario del Secreto del Santo Oficio de la Ynquisición de Toledo..."
- Bubble Chamber I
- Buchenwald Prisoners, Germany
- Buckingham Palace: Raking view of the East Front
- Bud Baer
- Bud Gorman, Chicago, Illinois
- Bud Taylor, Terre Haute, Ind
- Buddy Knox
- Bueno Guerrero, Juan, "Memorial que Juan Bueno Guerrero [Iurado de Aneq.] Familiar de el Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion de la Ciudad de Granada, y preso en la carcel de Familiares della…"
- Buffalo Headdress
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Horn Spoon
- Buffalo Horn Spoon
- "Bula del Inducto Apostolico," Lima
- "Bull Marino"
- Bund Deutscher Mädel album
- Bund Deutscher Mädel album
- "Bundle and Go," and "Donnely and Oliver"
- "Buques de la Expedición"
- Burgher of Calais, Pierre de Wiessant
- Burgos Cathedral: Distant context view from the north
- Burgos Cathedral: Exterior view, middle of the cathedral
- Burgos Cathedral: Interior, arcade of the cloister with tombs along the side wall
- Burgos Cathedral: Interior detail showing tomb of Alonso de Cartagena, Bishop of Burgos in the Capilla de la Visitación
- Burgos Cathedral: Interior view, Capilla Mayor looking towards apse, altar and retable
- Burgos Cathedral: Overall exterior view, facing the Condestable chapel
- Burgos Cathedral: View looking into the Condastable Chapel, off the axial bay of the ambulatory
- Burmese Pagoda at Eden Gardens: View from river
- "Burns and his Higland Mary"
- Business card. John Brownlee & Sons
- Business Records
- Business statements, Poudre Valley Business College
- Bust of a Child
- Bust of an Unknown Young Woman
- "Busting the Trust with the Trust Busters"
- Butterfly Nose Ornament
- Buzz Aldrin on the Moon
- Byloke Hospital: Interior, infirmary with trefoil-arched timber roof
- Béguinage, Kortrijk: Overall view of cottages, with the tower of Saint Martin's church visible in background
- Béguinage, Kortrijk: Overall view with Church of Notre Dame in the background
- Ca' Foscari: Overall view
- Ca' Foscari, Venice
- Ca' Rezzonico: Overall raking view of canal facade
- Caballero, Josef Antonio, "Real Orden de Su Magestad comunicada por el Excmo. Sr. D. Josef Antonio Caballero..."
- Caballero, Josef Antonio, Financial Assessment
- Cache Vessel Bearing Kinich Ahau (Sun God) Profile
- Caernarvon Castle: Overall view, seen within the castle interior courtyard
- Cahors Cathedral: View of the side elevation, perpendicular to the main entry facade
- Cahow's Barber Shop, Chapman, Nebraska
- Cairo Citadel: Mausoleum within the Citadel precinct
- Caja de Visiones (Box of Visions)
- Calahorra Tower: Overall view
- ¡Calavera zumbona!
- "Calcutta House of Correction," and "The Boy in Blue"
- Caley Family Correspondence
- California Coast, near Monterey
- California-Oregon Trail Diary
- Calla Lilies
- Calla Lilly-Shaped Vase
- Calle del Sol
- Callecita / Little Street
- Calliope; or, The musical miscellany : a select collection of the most approved English, Scots & Irish songs set to music.
- Calvary, Plougastel-Daoulas: Overall view, in the parish church yard
- Camel Corpsman (Méhariste)
- Camera Obscura Image of Umbrian Landscape over Bed
- Camp
- Camp, Gauley Bridge, from the Album of the Campaign of 1861 in Western Virginia
- Camp Bates, 3D N.Y. Vol. Cavalry
- Camp Belger, Baltimore, MD./114th Regt. New York S. Volunteers—Col. Elisha Smith, Lieut. Col. Sam R. Per Lee, Major B. Morse.
- Camp of 20th Conn. Vols. Stafford County Courthouse, Va., after Nathan B. Abbott
- Camp of Massachusetts Second Company, Light Artillery
- Camp of the 37th Mass. Vol's near Brandy Station VA., after Joseph E. Baker
- Campaign of 1884 : Republican Party and Uncle Jonathan for protection to American industries ...
- Campanile, Sant' Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna
- Campanile di San Marco: Overall view, from Piazza San Marco
- "Campbell's Farewell to Ireland"
- Campo Santo, Pisa, Italy
- "Can of Spring Water"
- "Can Your Mother Pay Her Rent?"
- Canada
- Canada Creek Falls, plate 4, after Jacques Gérard Milbert
- Canada IIe. feuille, XXXV, B 32.
- "Cancion Historial el Triunfo de la Patria"
- Cancionero popular.
- "Canción del encierro"
- "Candidatura Billinghurst, al Pueblo Arequipeño"
- Candlelight Ceremony, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo
- Candlestick
- Candlestick
- Cannonball Eddie Martin, Brooklyn, Ny
- Cano Manuel, Antonio et al, "Decreto de la Regencia del Reyno" (2 folders)
- Canoe Model
- Canonization of Saint Andrea Corsini
- Canopic Jar
- Canopic Jar in the Shape of a Baboon (Hapy)
- Canopic Jar with Head of a Falcon (Qebehsenuef)
- Canopic Jar with Head of a Human (Imsety)
- Canopic Jar with Head of a Jackal (Duamutef)
- Canopic Lid with Head of a Jackal (Duamutef)
- Canto 3
- "Canto Patriotico al Arribo de S.E. …" Cuzco
- Canton School of St. Gallen: Raking view of facade facing Eingang Kantipark
- Caobas
- Capital
- Capital
- Capitals, Baths of Caracalla
- Capitol, Dougga: View from east side
- "Capitols y modificacions fetes y atorgades per lo Inquisidor general en les presents corts de Monço..."
- Captain Ballejo Illness
- Captain Edward Smith on the Promenade Deck of RMS Titanic
- Captain Lieutenant Certificate of the Holy Office of the Inquisition of the Kingdom of Sicily in favor of D. Manuel de Castro, Governor of la Isla de Pantalería
- Capture of Jeff Davis
- Cardinal
- Carl "Boba" Olson
- Carlisle Cathedral: Overall three-quarter view
- "Carlos Martinez"
- Carlo’s Shack
- Carlo’s Shack
- Carmelite Monastery, Mount Carmel: Overall view, exterior of the domed shrine of Elijah's Cave
- Carmen Basilio
- Carmo Church, Porto: Church of the Carmelites (left) and the Carmo Church (right)
- Carmo Convent and Church: Interior, ruins of main nave of the Carmo Church
- Carrizo y Tele (Carrizo and Tele)
- Carrying Ladders on Bicycles, Portobello, Dublin
- Carrying the H[e]ights of Mission Ridge
- "Carta de Hermandad, Cofradia de Sta. Ma.," Lima
- "Carta de Poder"
- Carta de un individuo del claustro de teología de la Real Universidad de Sevilla, a un señor parroco de una pequeña poblacion, impugnando el Dictamen del Sr. D. Francisco de Serra, presbitero, bibliotecario de la Real y Arzobispal de la ciudad de Valencia, Diputado por aquella Provincia, sobre el Artículo primero del proyecto de Decreto acerca de los Tribunales protectores de la religion, expuesto en la sesion de 25 de enero de 1813.
- Carta del prefecto del Cuzco dirigida a D. Agustín Gamarra
- Carta del vble. D. Juan de Palafox : obispo de la puebla de Los Angeles y de Osma al inquisidor general Don Diego de Arce y Reynoso, obispo de plasencia, en que se queja de los atentados cometidos contra su dignidad y persona por el tribunal de inquisicion de Mexico.
- Carta segunda al Doctor Don Antonio José Ruíz de Padron, ex-ministro calificado del extinguido Santo Oficio... y diputado que fué en las Cortes Extraordinarias por las Islas Canarias, sobre varios puntos de su dictamen en orden al Tribunal de la Inquisición leído en la sesión pública de 18 de enero del año pasado de 1813.
- Cartas de un Presbítero Español : sobre la carta del ciudadano Gregoire, obispo de Blois, al señor arzobispo de Burgos, inquisidor general de España
- "Cartas y Previlegios de la santa Hermandad vieja de la muy noble ciudad de Toledo: confirmadas por el Rey don Felipe tercero nuestro Señor"
- "Cartas y Privilegios de la Santa Hermandad Vieja de la muy Noble Ciudad de Toledo: confirmadas por el Rey D. Felipe Quarto nuestro señor"
- Carte de la Nouvelle France : où se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississippi, aujour d'hui S. Louïs, aux environs des-quelles se trouvent les etats, païs, nations, peuples &c. de la Floride, de la Louïsiane, de la Virginie, de la Marie-lande, de la Pensilvanie, du Nouveau Jersay, de la Nouvelle Yorck, de la Nouv. Angleterre, de l'Acadie, du Canada, des Esquimaux, des Hurons, des Iroquois, des Ilinois &c., et de la Grande Ile de Terre Neuve
- Carte des cinq Grands Lacs du Canada.
- Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des decouvertes qui y ont été faites : dressée sur plusieurs observations et sur un grand nombre de relations imprimées ou manuscrites
- Carte du Territoire d'Arkansa [sic] et des autres territoires des États Unis.
- Carte particuliere du fleuve Saint Louis : dressee sur les lieux avec les noms des sauvages du pais : des marchandises qu'on y porte & qu'on en reçoit : & des animaux, insectes poissons, oiseaux, arbres & fruits des parties septentrio:es & meridion:es de ce païs.
- Carthage: Context view of the theater ruins to the south of the Byrsa
- Carthage: Detail, floor level of the amphitheatre
- Carthage: Detail of a group of public water cisterns
- Carthage: Detail of the Roman theater seats
- Carthusian Charterhouse, Granada: Exterior detail, part of the monastery
- Carthusian Charterhouse, Granada: Interior, Sagrario looking towards tabernacle
- Cartilla de comisarios del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición de Barcelona.
- "Cartilla Historia, Geografica, Astronomica…"
- Carved, Small Blackware Bowl
- Carved Olla
- Casa de Luce
- Casa degli Omenoni: View of the street corner facade showing the entry to the right and six herms
- Casa del Cordón: Exterior detail, portal with Mudéjar and knotted cord motifs
- Casa del Cordón: Raking view of facade with ornamental cresting
- Casa di Tasso, Sorrento
- Casa Vivienda
- Casita al Mar
- Casita al Mar
- Casita Azul
- Casita Blanca
- Casita de Campo
- Casita de Campo
- Casita de Campo/Yellow House
- Casita de Gloria
- Casita de Gloria
- Casita de Madera
- Casita de Madera
- Casita Doble
- Casitas al Sol
- Casket
- Castel Capuano: Detail of central portal and tower on facade, viewed at the end of Via Casanova
- Castel dell'Ovo: Distant context view showing village at the base of the castle
- Castel Nuovo: Detail of the entry arch of Alfonso I of Aragon
- Castel Nuovo: Distant context view across the Piazza del Municipio
- Castel Sant'Angelo: General view, seen from bridge; angel sculpture on top
- Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome, Italy
- Castello dell'Ovo, Naples
- Castelvecchio Bridge: Overall view to tower on right bank
- Castle "Koude Keuken" Sint-Andries: Overall view
- Castle of the Electors, Boppard: Overall view
- Castle Scaliger, possibly Castelvecchio, Verona, Italy
- Castle Thunder, Richmond, VA., after F. Dielman
- Castlehill, Allentown, Pennsylvania , June , 1993, from Boxing
- Castlehill, Allentown, Pennsylvania , June , 1993, from Boxing
- Castro y de Castillo, Antonio de; Don León de Alcayaga Lartaun, Instructions to Pedro Ossorio del Odio
- Catacomb of Saint Calixtus: 19th century illustration of Early Christian services within the catacomb chambers
- Catacomb of Saint Calixtus: 19th century illustration of the catacomb chambers
- Catacomb of Saint Calixtus: 19th century illustration of the crypt of Saint Cecilia within the catacomb
- Catacomb of Saint Calixtus: 19th century illustration of the total 15 ha catacomb passages
- Catacomb of Saint Calixtus: Fresco, Head of Christ, with nimbus, from crypt of Saint Pontian
- Catacomb of St. Januarius: 19th century illustration of the catacomb frescoes
- Catacombs of Rome: 19th century illustration of the catacomb of Pricilla
- Catacombs of Rome: Interior, chamber with burial niches carved into walls
- Catalogue of Images of Antiquities, Musée Boulaq, Cairo
- Catania Cathedral: Distant context view from the piazza
- Catania Cathedral: Interior, nave looking towards the pipe organ
- Catania Cathedral: Interior, nave looking towards the pipe organ, pulpit on the right
- Catania Cathedral: Overall view of facade, dome and bell tower
- Catel, Juan, "Conscientiae Equuleus: Or, A faithful Relation of the Proceedings of the Inquisition at Granada..."
- Cathalogus libroru[m] : qui prohibe[n]tur
- Cathedra Petri: Overall view
- Cathedral
- Cathedral, probably New Cathedral of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
- Cathedral Interior, likely Basel Minster, Basel, Switzerland
- Cathedral of Ani, Ani, Armenia (present day Turkey)
- Cathedral of Christ the Savior: Detail central facade and gardens of the original church
- Cathedral of Christ the Savior: Distant context view of the original church
- Cathedral of Christ the Savior: View of the original church
- Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris, West Front
- Cathedral of Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs: Interior view of nave (former prayer hall of the mosque)
- Cathedral of Notre Dame of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Cathedral of Saint Demetrius: Overall view, from the west
- Cathedral of Saint Vitus: Detail of upper West facade and rose window
- Cathedral of Saint Vitus: Interior detail of nave, royal mausoleum, seen from a side aisle near the high altar
- Cathedral of Santa Maria of the See, Seville
- Cathedral of the Annunciation, Kremlin: Context view within the Kremlin
- Cathedral of the Dormition: Exterior, south-facing facade
- Cathedral of the Dormition: Interior, view of iconostasis and icons
- Cathedral of the Dormition: Overall context view on Cathedral Square
- Cathedral of the Savior, Saragossa: Detail, Baroque facade and tower
- Catherine Powell diary : autograph manuscript.
- Catholic Parish and University Church Saint Louis, Munich: Detail, raking view of central portal and part of flanking screen
- Cathédrale Notre-Dame des Doms d'Avignon, Avignon, France
- Catlinite bird pipe
- Catlinite eagle claw pipe
- Catlinite gun stock style pipe stem
- Catlinite Pipe
- Catlinite pipe carved with flowing lines
- Catlinite Pipe decorated with a Frog
- catlinite pipe tomahawk style
- Cattle at Moldowney
- "Causa de Don Jose Antonio López"
- Cañon de Chelle, Arizona
- Cañon of the Kanab Wash, Colorado River, Looking South
- "Cedula de su Magestad de 14 de Junio de 1728, ordenando, que no se observen las exempciones cocedidas à de pendientes de Rentas Reales, Arrendamientos y Provisiones, Hermanos, y Sindicos de Religiones, Quadrilleros de Hermandades, Ministros de Cruzada, quitando los Tribunales de ella, creados de treinta años à esta parte..."
- Cefalù Cathedral: Detail, arcade of the cloister
- Cefalù Cathedral: Exterior detail, where cloister adjoins the church
- Cefalù Cathedral: Interior, detail of altar and apse with mosaics
- Cefalù Cathedral: Overall view, nave looking towards altar
- Cefalù Cathedral: Overall view of western façade and narthex
- Ceferino Garcia
- Celt
- Celt
- Celt
- Censer
- Center Ring
- Center Ring
- Centerpiece
- Centro Juana M. Gorriti Records
- Ceramic Lisa Bowl
- Ceremonial Landscape
- Certificate, Comisario de Quadrillero given in favor of D. Antonio Benito, citizen of Segovia
- Certificate of Posthumous Honor given to José Durand, Lima
- Certosa di Bologna: View of part of the cemetery within cloister courtyards
- Certosa di Pavia: Certosa di Pavia seen from the garden of the small cloister
- Certosa di Pavia: Interior, southern transept, tomb of Giangaleazzo Visconti to the left
- Certosa di Pavia, Lombardy
- Certosa di Pavia: Partial view of church, west facade
- Certosa di Pavia: Raking view down the loggia of the Grand Cloister
- Certosa di Pavia: View looking down the second story loggia
- Certosa di Pavia: View of the apsidal end of the church
- Certosa di Pavia: View of the main facade of the church
- Certosa di San Martino: Chiostro Grande, interior with detail of the monks’ cemetery
- Certosa di San Martino: Detail, looking up at the facade at the top of the Vómero Hill
- Cesar Brion
- Chair for the Cabaret Fledermaus
- Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall: View of the Throne Hall facade
- Chalice
- Chalice
- Chalky Wright, Los Angeles
- Chambéry Cathedral: Overall view of main facade
- Chameleon 1492
- Champ de Mars: Overall view, looking towards the École Militaire to the southeast
- "Champagne Charlie"
- "Champion of the World Bobby Bruns a Glamorous Champion Society and the '400' Will Be Represented at Ringside"
- "Champion of the World Bobby Bruns Gives His Views on Being a World's Champion"
- "Champion of the World Bobby Bruns Sets a Record"
- Champion Prize Fight Envelopes—Lincoln & Davis in 5 Rounds Collection
- Champion Prize Fight Envelope—Lincoln & Davis in 5 Rounds; 1st Round.
- Champion Prize Fight Envelope—Lincoln & Davis in 5 Rounds; 2nd Round.
- Champion Prize Fight Envelope—Lincoln & Davis in 5 Rounds; 3rd Round.
- Champion Prize Fight Envelope—Lincoln & Davis in 5 Rounds; 4th Round.
- Champion Prize Fight Envelope—Lincoln & Davis in 5 Rounds; 5th Round.
- Champs Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February , 1993, from Boxing
- Champs Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 1993, from Boxing
- Champs Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , February, 1993, from Boxing
- Champs Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , January , 1993, from Boxing
- Champs Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , January , 1993, from Boxing
- Champs Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , January , 1993, from Boxing
- Champs Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , January, 1993, from Boxing
- Champs Gym, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , January, 1993, from Boxing
- Chamula House
- Chamula House
- Chancel and High Altar, San Vitale, Ravenna
- Chantecler, Año 1, No. 1, Lima [RESTRICTED]
- "Chanting Benny, or the Batch of Ballads"
- Chapel Bridge: Aerial view including the Wasserturm
- Chapel Bridge: Detail, entrance to the bridge
- Chapel Bridge: View including the Wasserturm
- Chapel of Saint John of Jerusalem, Mulhouse: Exterior
- Chapel of Saint John of Jerusalem, Mulhouse: Interior, as a museum
- Chapel of Saint John of Jerusalem, Mulhouse: View of the "lapidary fragments" on display
- Chapel of Saint Michael, Rocamadour: Detail, altar with Archangel Michael and 12th century frescoes
- Chapel of St. Matthew, Upper Castle of Kobern: Overall view
- Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament: Overall view; Bernini's tabernacle at right
- Chapel of the former Jesuit College: Overall view, entrance facade
- Chapel of the Holy Child of Atocha, La Manga, New Mexico
- Chapel of the Jesuit College, Eu: Detail, side entrance with sun dial
- Chapel of the Jesuit College, Eu: Overall view, Louis XIII style facade
- Chapel of the Sorbonne: Overall view, facade and dome from Rue Victor Cousin
- Chapel Solferino, Luz-Saint-Sauveur: Overall view
- Chapelle Notre Dame de Consolation, Paris: Raking view of the small chapel with wall with advertisements
- Chapelle Saint-Gabriel, Tarascon: Distant view through olive grove, oculus of facade visible
- Chapter House Window (Janela do Capítulo) Convent of the Order of Christ, Tomar, Portugal
- Charger with the Rape of Europa
- Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Bridge, Prague: Overall view of bridge, Old Town bridge tower in the foreground
- Charles Chaplin
- Charles D. Carter, Carlisle commencement address
- Charles Durner
- Charles MacMahon
- Charley Fusani
- Charley Norbus
- Charley Riley
- Charlie Coates
- Charlie White, Chicago
- Charola, Tomar Abbey: Detail, Window of the Chapter House
- Chart of Green Bay
- Charterhouse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon: Courtyard, Fountain of Saint John
- Charterhouse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon: Monastery
- Chartres Cathedral: An eleventh-century font in one of three surviving crypt chapels
- Chartres Cathedral: Architectural fragments on display
- Chartres Cathedral: Architectural fragments on display
- Chartres Cathedral: Architectural fragments on display
- Chartres Cathedral: Architectural fragments on display
- Chartres Cathedral: Detail, deep relief figures in vertical niches
- Chartres Cathedral: Detail of North porch
- Chartres Cathedral: Distant context view of west front
- Chartres Cathedral: Fifteenth century clock and short tower on exterior of Cathedral
- Chartres Cathedral: Overall view, South portico
- Chartres Cathedral: View of lower west front facade
- Chartres Cathedral: West or Royal Portal
- Chartreuse de Champmol: Remains of a tower and the rebuilt church
- Chateau Ferney: Raking view of garden side facade
- Chateau-L'eveque: Partial view of one wing and turret
- Chateau of Pau
- Cheese and Crackers
- Chelsea Hans Sloane Botanical Soup Plate
- Chicago, 1948
- Chicago World’s Fair, Illinois Building
- Chichén Itzá: Imagined reconstruction of one of the platform temples
- Chichén Itzá: Interior view of a small temple at the site
- Chichén Itzá: One of the platform temples
- Chichén Itzá: One of the smaller temples
- Chichén Itzá: Relief carving from the palace complex showing ruler and Mayan glyphs above
- Chico Vejar
- "Chief Bamba Tabu Seminole Indian"
- Chiesa dei Gerolamini: View of Baroque facade
- Chiesa di Corpus Domini: Detail, entry portal with terra cotta decoration
- Chiesa di San Costanzo: Overall elevated view of facade and side with half-round chapel
- Chiesa di San Crisogono: Overall view of facade and 12th century bell tower
- Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi, Palermo: View of main portal and rose window
- Chiesa di San Giorgio in Braida: Interior, nave looking towards altar, showing dome
- Chiesa di San Martino, adjacent to the Loggia del Papa, Siena, Italy
- Chiesa di San Paolo, Pistoia: Raking view of facade with bicolored marble facing
- Child's Blanket
- Child's Saddle
- Child's Vest
- Child's Vest
- Child's Vest
- Children in prison and other cruelties of prison life.
- Children Playing, Galway Town
- Children Praying Over the Body of Bishop Browne, Cobh, County Cork
- Chillon Castle: Interior passage showing medieval vaulting
- Chillon Castle: Overall view of castle from Lake Léman
- Chimineas
- Chimney Sweep and Children
- China Christ
- Chinese Catholic-themed paintings from Xinxiang, Henan Province, [1939-1941]
- Chiostro nel Lamposanto, Bologna
- Chocolate Pot and Cover
- Choragic Monument of Lysikrates: Overall view, imaged from lantern slide
- "Chow Bent Wedding," and "Single Young Man Lodger"
- Chowmahalla Palace: Detail, arcade and stairs facing garden in the Southern courtyard
- Christ and the Adultress
- Christ and the Woman of Samaria: An Arched Print
- Christ and the Woman of Samaria among Ruins
- Christ and the Woman of Samaria among Ruins
- Christ Appearing to His Mother
- Christ Appearing to the Apostles [or The Incredulity of Thomas
- Christ at Emmaus: The Larger Plate
- Christ at Emmaus: The Smaller Plate
- Christ before Pilate: Large Plate
- Christ Blessing
- Christ Carried to the Tomb
- Christ Carrying His Cross
- Christ Church Gate, Canterbury
- Christ Crowned with Thorns
- Christ Crucified between the Two Thieves: An Oval Plate
- Christ Crucified between the Two Thieves: The Three Crosses
- Christ Disputing with the Doctors: A Sketch
- Christ Disputing with the Doctors: Small Plate
- Christ Driving the Moneychangers from the Temple
- Christ en Croix
- Christ Healing the Sick or The Hundred Guilder Print
- Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee, after Francesco Vanni
- Christ Led from Pilate
- Christ on the Cross
- Christ on the Cross
- Christ on the Cross
- Christ on the Mount of Olives
- Christ Preaching or La Petite Tombe
- Christ Presented to the People: Oblong Plate
- Christ Returning from the Temple with His Parents
- Christ Seated Disputing with the Doctors
- Christ Taking Leave of His Mother, from the series The Life of the Virgin
- Christ with Mary and Martha
- Christian complex at Tebessa: Detail of entry to enclosure
- Christian complex at Tebessa: Overall view of remains of entire complex
- Christopher C. McKinney Letters
- Christopher Mason, Reuben Chase, Treasury Account Settlement
- "Chronica de la Provincia de San Antonio de los Charcas...," Peru
- Chuck Davey
- Chuck Speiser
- Church, Barcelona, Spain, possibly Santa Maria del Mar
- Church, Paris, France, likely on or near the Rue Saint-Honoré
- Church, possibly S James, Veurne, Belgium
- Church, Rome, Italy
- Church, Saint Petersburg, Russia, likely Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral
- Church, Tourouvre, France, likely Église Saint-Aubin de Tourouvre
- Church and Convent of Santa Chiara: Overall view of facade with flying buttress
- Church and Inspectors House at Salem N.C.
- Church and Monastery of Saint Peter: Detail of the central portal, and small belltower, Los Pájaros, at center
- Church Interior, likely Church of Santa María de la Asunción, Zumarraga, Spain
- Church of Notre Dame, Fribourg: Side elevation from Place Notre-Dame with monument to Père Grégoire Girard
- Church of Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, Paris: Exterior
- Church of Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, Paris: Interior
- Church of Notre-Dame de Saint-Lô, Saint-Lô, France
- Church of Notre-Dame-la-Grande, Poitiers: Overall view, west facade
- Church of Our Lady, Caudebec-en-Caux: Detail, exterior of the apse
- Church of Our Lady, Dives-sur-Mer: Overall view, side elevation with apse
- Church of Our Lady, Lissewege: Detail, interior, nave at crossing
- Church of Our Lady before Týn: Context view of West facade, seen from the square
- Church of Our Lady of Le Folgoet: Overall view
- Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Paris: Overall view
- Church of Our Lady of the White Mantle: Interior nave looking towards altar
- Church of Saint Adalbert, Aachen: View of spire in the square
- Church of Saint Amans, Rodez: Raking view of Baroque steeple and upper part of facade
- Church of Saint Ambrose, Paris: Distant overall view, showing the facade and new boulevard
- Church of Saint Anastasia, Verona: Distant view, across the river from the east with campanile
- Church of Saint Anastasia, Verona: Interior, nave looking towards altar
- Church of Saint Anastasia, Verona: Overall view of unfinished brick facade
- Church of Saint Andrew, Pistoia: Interior, nave looking towards altar with the Pisano pulpit to the left
- Church of Saint Andrew, Pistoia: Overall view, facade with bichrome marble
- Church of Saint Andrew, Pistoia: Overall view of the Giovanni Pisano pulpit without the eagle lecturn on top
- Church of Saint Anne: Overall view, imaged from lantern slide
- Church of Saint Anne: Overall view, seen from Plaza Nueva
- Church of Saint Augustine, Cremona: Baroque interior, nave looking towards altar
- Church of Saint Augustine, Cremona: Raking view of facade
- Church of Saint Augustine, Paris: Interior, detail of altar and ciborium
- Church of Saint Augustine, Paris: Interior, nave looking towards altar, under dome
- Church of Saint Augustine, Paris: Overall view, main facade from Rue de Laborde
- Church of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Pisa: Overall view of facade
- Church of Saint Clotilde, Paris: Interior, nave looking towards apse and altar
- Church of Saint Dympna: Distant view of the apse end and side elevation
- Church of Saint Dympna: Interior, nave looking towards altar
- Church of Saint Elisabeth of Hungary: Raking view of the facade
- Church of Saint Esteban: Detail, portal and arcade windows with paired colonnettes
- Church of Saint Eugenia, Biarritz: Distant view along the beach and coast
- Church of Saint Francis: Overall view, from the Place Saint-François
- Church of Saint Francis, Rimini: Detail of facade by Alberti
- Church of Saint George, Lod: Interior, view of the nave from the southeast end
- Church of Saint Gervais and Saint Protais, Falaise: View in context with the market square
- Church of Saint Gervais and Saint Protais, Gisors: Detail, carved wooden door of the portal of the northern transept
- Church of Saint Gervais and Saint Protais, Gisors: Detail, carved wooden door of the portal of the northern transept
- Church of Saint Gervais and Saint Protais, Gisors: Exterior, west facade, main portal and later south tower
- Church of Saint-Gervais-et-Saint-Protais, Paris, France
- Church of Saint Hilary the Great: North transept and tower, apse and chevet to the left
- Church of Saint Honoratus: Avenue of Les Alyscamps leading to the chapel ruins
- Church of Saint Jacques-sur-Coudenberg: Raking view of facade, showing added bell tower
- Church of Saint James, Aachen: Distant view of spire looking down towards the Jakobsplatz
- Church of Saint James, Le Tréport: Partial view of side elevation, showing chevron pattern of the walls
- Church of Saint John, Byblos: View of entry portico and bell tower
- Church of Saint John the Evangelist: Central facade showing portal behind porch screen
- Church of Saint John the Evangelist: Overall side view, from apsidal end
- Church of Saint Joseph: Overall view of facade and central dome
- Church of Saint Leu and Saint Giles: Exterior, apsidal facade facing Boulevard de Sébastopol
- Church of Saint Louis of the French, Rome: Overall raking view, facade by della Porta
- Church of Saint Luke and Chapel of the Risen Christ: Overall view of the chapel to the left and the church facade
- Church of Saint-Maclou: Exterior, most of the west facade viewed from a neighboring street
- Church of Saint-Maclou: Exterior detail, west facade with step gables, tracery, and rose window
- Church of Saint-Maclou: Interior detail, spiral staircase on west side leading to organ loft by Jean Goujon
- Church of Saint-Maclou: Wooden doors of the west front, possibly by Jean Goujon
- Church of Saint Martin, Gensac-la-Pallue: Raking, partial view of the main facade and bell tower behind
- Church of Saint Martin, Périgueux: Overall view of facade
- Church of Saint Martin, Saint Quentin: Overall view, facade
- Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, Bruges: Overall view of facade
- Church of Saint Mary of the Visitation: Overall view of facade
- Church of Saint Maurice, Annecy: Overall view
- Church of Saint Melaine, Morlaix: Elevated view showing the church tower at center and the viaduct to the left
- Church of Saint Michael, Quimperlé: Overall view of side elevation looking towards north porch
- Church of Saint Michael, Saint-Michel (Charente): Overall view, showing octagonal form and radiating chapels
- Church of Saint Nicholas, Blois: Partial view, spires rising above the town
- Church of Saint Nicholas, Diksmuide: Interior detail, Gothic rood screen
- Church of Saint Nicholas, Kiel: Interior
- Church of Saint Nicolas, Amsterdam: Distant view from Oudezijds Voorburgwal
- Church of Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet: Interior, nave looking towards altar
- Church of Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet: Overall view of campanile and unfinished facade
- Church of Saint Ouen: Portail des Marmousets, the entrance to the south transept
- Church of Saint Ouen: View of crossing tower, transept and buttresses
- Church of Saint Paterne: Overall view, showing west door and the bell tower
- Church of Saint Paul, Lyons: Elevated view of roofs, buttresses and spire, and in the rear, the tower-lantern
- Church of Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis: Overall view of facade
- Church of Saint Peter, Dreux: Detail of west facade with unfinished south tower
- Church of Saint Peter, Dreux: Interior, north transept looking into side chapel and apse
- Church of Saint Peter, Thaon: Raking view of side elevation with blind arcades and view of tower
- Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Ostend: Overall view during construction
- Church of Saint Philippe du Roule: Raking view of facade with recessed Doric portico
- Church of Saint Quentin, Tournai: Interior, nave looking towards ambulatory
- Church of Saint Roch, Montpellier: Raking view of main facade
- Church of Saint Roch, Paris: Interior, nave looking towards altar
- Church of Saint Roch, Paris: Raking view of facade by de Cotte on Rue Saint-Honoré
- Church of Saint Stephen, Beauvais: Overall view
- Church of Saint Stephen, Fecamp: Detail, the portal of the south transept
- Church of Saint Stephen, Saint-Mihiel: Interior detail, elevated view looking down at altarpiece and top of pulpit
- Church of Saint Sulpice, Secqueville-en-Bessin: Overall view distant view, looking from village street
- Church of Saint Thomas the Elder: Overall view of facade on the Plaza de Italia
- Church of Saint Vincent de Paul, Clichy: Interior of the small church, looking towards altar
- Church of Saint Vincent de Paul, Clichy: Overall view
- Church of Saint Vincent de Paul, Clichy: Reliquary
- Church of Saint Vincent de Paul, Paris: Overall elevated view of facade from Place Franz-Liszt
- Church of Saint Vivien, Rouen: Distant three-quarter view showing the three-aisled church
- Church of Saint Walburga: Exterior detail, with the belfry in the distance at right
- Church of Saint Walburga: Interior, choir stalls and organ loft
- Church of Saints Cyr and Julitte, Anet: Overall view of main facade
- Church of Saints Gervais and Protais: Interior, looking across transept at entrance
- Church of Saints Gervais and Protais: Overall view, side elevation behind houses fronting the Seine
- Church of Saints Gervais and Protais: Overall view, west facade by de Brosse
- Church of Saints Justus and Pastor: Main portal of the church, seen from the Plaza de San Justo
- Church of Saints Peter and Paul: Overall view, showing river embankment
- Church of San Andrés: Overall view, showing bell tower and original apse (right)
- Church of San Bernardino: Interior, Pellegrini Chapel with niche tabernacles
- Church of San Bernardino: Overall view, facade of San Bernardino with monastery cloister to the left
- Church of San Cristobal: View of the church
- Church of San Gil: Retablo of the Chapel of the Nativity of Mary flanked by founders tombs
- Church of San Jacinto and the Hospital of San Sebastian: Raking view of facade and main portal
- Church of San Juan de los Caballeros: View of bell tower and apses
- Church of San Lesmes: Distant, raking view of facade and east portal
- Church of San Lorenzo: View of bell tower and original 12th century apses with colonnettes
- Church of San Miguel: Detail, main portal and central section of the tower
- Church of San Miguel: Overall view, facade facing the Plaza Mayor
- Church of San Vitale: Detail, exterior showing the square apsed chancel to the east
- Church of San Vitale: Detail, reused Roman relief fragment in the choir
- Church of San Vitale: Exterior detail showing buttresses
- Church of San Vitale: Interior, altar in front of the apse and bishop's seat
- Church of San Vitale: Interior detail, carved and tiled impost block below the tympanum of choir
- Church of San Vitale: Interior view looking into niches framing the ambulatory and matroneum
- Church of San Vitale: Overall exterior view
- Church of San Vitale: Sarcophagus in interior of San Vitale
- Church of Sant Ercolano: Overall view, showing polygonal tower
- Church of Santa Pudenziana: Overall view; top of the entrance pediment visible below street level
- Church of Santiago, Cadiz: Side elevation from Plaza de la Catedral with statue of Bishop Domingo de Silos Moreno
- Church of St. Andrew with Chapel of Saint Isidore: Entry from the Plaza de los Carros
- Church of St. Benedict, Le Mans: Distant view, tower rising amid surrounding domestic architecture
- Church of St. Charles Borromeo: Raking view of facade with monumental columns and oval dome
- Church of St. Francis Xavier of the Foreign Missions: Interior, nave looking towards altar
- Church of St. Philibert of Dijon: Overall view, west facade and porch
- Church of St. Stephen, Perigueux: Detail, flat east end with attached pilasters and blind arches
- Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye: Overall view, central portion
- Church of the Carthusian Monastery of Miraflores: Exterior side view of the church within the monastery walls
- Church of the Carthusian Monastery of Miraflores: Interior of nave, looking towards tombs and retable
- Church of the Carthusian Monastery of Miraflores: Overall view of the nave
- Church of the Convent of the Cordeliers, Avignon: View of the remains of the bell tower
- Church of the Cordeliers: Raking view of the plain facade with rose window
- Church of the Cordeliers: View of one of the Ducal tombs
- Church of the Holy Apostles, Thessaloniki: View with minaret
- Church of the Holy Ghost, Berne: Overall three quarter view, with main facade
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Detail, main entrance
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Detail, main entrance
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Interior, Chapel of St. Helena
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Overall aerial view of complex, rotunda at near center
- Church of the Most Holy Name of Mary at the Trajan Forum: Overall view of facade and street
- Church of the Nativity: Detail, entrance
- Church of the Nativity: Entrance to the crypt beneath the nave; the Grotto of the Nativity
- Church of the Nativity: Interior, nave looking towards altar with partial wall covering the large gilded iconostasis
- Church of the Parish Saint-Martin-des-Champs, Morlaix: View of facade and bell tower seen from narrow street
- Church of the Sacred Heart, Paray-le-Monial: Overall distant view, elevation with side apse
- Church of the Sacred Heart, Paray-le-Monial: Overall view, west end of the church with three-aisled porch and towers
- Church of the Society of Jesus, Cuzco: Detail
- Church of the Spirito Santo, Ravenna: Façade, 16th century Renaissance portico with 5 arcades
- Church of the Spirito Santo, Ravenna: Interior, nave looking towards altar and apse
- Church of the Transfiguration, Mount Tabor: One of the Crusader altars
- Church of the Trinity, Ostankino: Overall view, including bell tower
- Church of the Val-de-Grâce: Detailed exterior view of dome
- Church of the Val-de-Grâce: Exterior overall view of rear, apse side
- Church of the Val-de-Grâce: Overall view of facade and dome
- Châlons Cathedral: Distant view along the river
- Château at Amboise: Detail, carved lintel of the Chapel of St. Hubert
- Château at Amboise: Overall view of the carved portal of the Chapel of St. Hubert
- Château at Amboise: Side view, the Chapel of St. Hubert
- Château at Amboise: View of the château above its surrounding town with the Loire river below
- Château d'Anet: Distant context view, the Basse Cour gateway with sculpture by Cellini
- Château d'Anet: Exterior, sepulchral chapel or mausoleum of Diane de Poitiers
- Château d'Anet: Facade of the Chapel
- Château d'Anet North Wing Frontispiece [relocated]: Overall view of frontispiece of the north wing
- Château d'Annecy: Overall view, Tour de la Reine to the left
- Château d'If, Bay of Marseilles: Overall view, two of three towers are visible
- Château d'Écouen: Detail, north wing
- Château d'Écouen: Interior detail, polychrome chimney-piece of the Grand Salle
- Château de Blois: Detail, mantel and fireplace in the Gothic Great Hall
- Château de Blois: End block of the Louis XII wing, with chapel of St Calais behind
- Château de Blois: Interior, chamber occupied by Catherine de Medici
- Château de Blois: Interior, small oratory in the chambers of Catherine de' Medici
- Château de Blois: Interior, the Gothic twin-aisled, arcaded Great Hall
- Château de Blois: Interior courtyard, Francis I wing, with spiral staircase
- Château de Blois: Interior courtyard, Francis I wing, with spiral staircase to the right
- Château de Blois: Interior detail, chimney piece in chambers of Francis I
- Château de Blois: North-east wing
- Château de Blois: Octagonal garden pavilion of Anne of Brittany
- Château de Blois: Rear of the Francis I wing
- Château de Chambord: Detail of the elaborately developed roof line, including lantern at center
- Château de Chambord: Interior courtyard showing famous double spiral staircase at right
- Château de Chambord: Overall view of main facade and moat
- Château de Chambord: Raking view of main facade showing central block
- Château de Chambéry: Distant view, approach to the gates from the town
- Château de Chantilly: Exterior view, chapel
- Château de Chantilly: Facade of the wing to the left inside the entrance court
- Château de Chantilly: Gardens: Overall view of Le Nôtre's Grand Parterre and canal
- Château de Chantilly: Gardens: View of the Grande Cascade
- Château de Chantilly: Interior, chapel, view of altar and windows taken from the Château d'Ecouen
- Château de Chantilly: Interior, Escalier d'Honneur showing top of spiral staircase
- Château de Chantilly: Interior, Grande Galerie
- Château de Chantilly: View of the gate, entrance court
- Château de Chaumont: Side facade, view looking out over the river Loire
- Château de Chenonceau: Distant context view of gallery over the river and the Tour des Marques
- Château de Chenonceau: View of the arches and east facade of the Pont de Diane over the River Cher
- Château de Chenonceau: View of the keep or donjon, the ‘Tour des Marques’
- Château de Chinon: Detail, top of Tour d'Horlge, the clock tower
- Château de Compiègne: Detail of a dining room in the historic apartments
- Château de Compiègne: Detail of a salon in the historic apartments
- Château de Compiègne: Detail of a staircase and railing
- Château de Compiègne: Detail of southwest facade, central block, within the cour d’honneur
- Château de Compiègne: Detail of the Music Room
- Château de Compiègne: Interior of Ballroom
- Château de Compiègne: Interior of Napoleon's library showing door with faux shelves
- Château de Compiègne: Overall view, southwestern facade with cour d’honneur
- Château de Compiègne: View of garden side facade
- Château de Fontaine-Henry: Detail of entry or cour d'honneur
- Château de Fontainebleau: Cour de l'Ovale courtyard
- Château de Fontainebleau: Detail, doorway with engaged caryatids
- Château de Fontainebleau: Detail, Fountain Court behind the Cour de l'Ovale
- Château de Fontainebleau: Distant view of the Cour du Cheval Blanc facade
- Château de Fontainebleau: Entry gate, the Porte Dauphine, to the Cour Ovale, exterior facade
- Château de Fontainebleau: Entry gate, the Porte Dauphine, to the Cour Ovale, interior court facade
- Château de Fontainebleau: Exterior detail of clock and bell tower, left side of the Cour du Cheval Blanc
- Château de Fontainebleau: Exterior facade, Cour du Cheval Blanc
- Château de Fontainebleau: Exterior facade, Cour du Cheval Blanc, with staircase at center
- Château de Fontainebleau: Exterior facade of the Cour de la Fontaine
- Château de Fontainebleau: Gardens: Distant view of Cour de la Fontaine
- Château de Fontainebleau: Gardens: Raking view of the facade overlooking the English Garden
- Château de Fontainebleau: Gardens: The water parterre, fed by Henry IV's canal
- Château de Fontainebleau: Gardens: View of ornamental pond in the Grand Parterre
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, "Gallery of Henry II"
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, apartments of Madame de Maintenon
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, Chambre de Napoléon
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, Chambre de Napoléon
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, Gallery of Francis I
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, Mannerist sculptural detail, Escalier du roi
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, Napoleon's study
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, one of the private apartments
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, Salle des Gardes, detail of fireplace with bust of Henry IV
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior, Salon de Jeu
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior view, bedchamber of Marie-Antoinette
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior view, looking into the Salon du Donjon
- Château de Fontainebleau: Interior view, the apartment of Madame de Maintenon
- Château de Fontainebleau: La chapelle de la Trinité
- Château de Fontainebleau: Raking view of wing of the Cour de la Fontaine
- Château de Fontainebleau: Salon Francis I, view towards fireplace
- Château de Langeais: Detail, ramp and stairs up to main entry, between two towers
- Château de Langeais: Distant view, from the town
- Château de Langeais: Overall view, from the gardens
- Château de Maintenon: Detail, cour d'honneur
- Château de Maintenon: Gardens
- Château de Maisons-Laffitte: Detail, central frontispiece and staircase of the southeast-facing garden front
- Château de Maisons-Laffitte: Overall view, southeast-facing garden front
- Château de Malmaison: Interior, Music Room
- Château de Malmaison: Interior, Napoleon's library
- Château de Malmaison: Large cedar tree in the park of the Château
- Château de Malmaison: Overall view entrance facade and carriage drive
- Château de Malmaison: Rear of the chateau viewed from the park with small creek or canal
- Château de Meillant: Detail, looking towards the Tower of the Lion in the distance
- Château de Miromesnil: Overall view, main facade
- Château de Montrésor: Glimpse of the chateau towers through a narrow street
- Château de Pierrefonds: Overall view, entrance to the principal residential block
- Château de Pierrefonds: Rebuilt chapel in courtyard
- Château de Pierrefonds: Sculptural detail of winged bull
- Château de Pierrefonds: View of original ruins in front of rebuilt castle
- Château de Plessis-lez-Tours: Overall view, remaining wing with attached tower
- Château de Rambouillet: Overall view seen from the gardens
- Château de Saint-Aignan, Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher: Detail, south courtyard, tower of the escalier d’honneur
- Château de Saint-Cloud: Exterior, detail of central portion of palace
- Château de Saint-Cloud: Interior, palace chapel
- Château de Saint-Cloud: Interior, palace staircase
- Château de Saint-Cloud: Interior, salon decorated in the Rococo style
- Château de Saint-Cloud: Overall view, Grande Cascade
- Château de Saint-Cloud: Overall view, Grande Cascade
- Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye: Exterior detail, left half of the facade
- Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye: Exterior view of the Sainte-Chapelle
- Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye: Raking view of the right half of the facade
- Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye: Stone terrace created by André Le Nôtre
- Château de Vaux le Vicomte: Overall view of château facing parterres by Le Nôtre
- Château de Vaux le Vicomte: View of the facade of the château
- Château de Villandry: Overall view, into courtyard of central block
- Château de Vincennes: Exterior detail, entrance to the donjon
- Château de Vincennes: Overall view of donjon and outer defensive wall from the side
- Château de Vincennes, Sainte-Chapelle: Exterior, facade executed in Late Gothic style
- Château de Vincennes, Sainte-Chapelle: Exterior, facade executed in Late Gothic style
- Château de Vincennes, Sainte-Chapelle: Exterior detail, ornamentation of the roof finials of the chapel
- Château de Vincennes, Sainte-Chapelle: Exterior view of donjon with surrounding wall and turreted entry gate
- Château de Vincennes, Sainte-Chapelle: Interior, view of apse, stained glass and altar
- Château de Vincennes, Vincennes, France
- Château-fort de St Maire: Overall view of the fortified tower
- Château Gaillard: Distant view of the ruins overlooking the Seine river
- Château of Azay-le-Rideau: Overall view of the entry courtyard with escalier d’honneur at center
- Châtelard Castle: Overall view, from vineyards at the top of the plateau
- Cicero R. Barker Letter
- Cicsco Andrade
- CIIS annual report for 1907-08
- CIIS annual report for 1908-09
- CIIS annual school calendars for 1908-09, 1909-10 (2 copies), 1910-11 (2 copies)
- CIIS Christmas service program
- Cinque lezzioni di M. Lelio Bonsi lette da lui publicamente nella Accademia Fiorentina : aggiuntovi un breve Trattato della cometa e nella fine un Sermone sopra l' Eucarestia da doversi recitare il giovedi santo del medesimo autore.
- Circe
- Circular Plaque with Four Trophy Heads and Solar Motif
- Circular regarding the Earthquake of 1828, Lima
- Circumcision
- Circumcision: Small Plate
- Circumcision in the Stable
- Circumcision in the Stable
- Circus of Maxentius: West end, remains of one of the two remaining towers
- Circus Pavilion in New York
- Circus Pavilion in New York
- Cities in Context Conference - 8 PM Sunday
- Cities in Context Conference - 9 AM Monday: Lewis Hill - Great Cities - Particularities
- Cities in Context Conference - Monday: Dr. Thompson - Urban Atmospheric Environment
- Cities in Context Conference - Monday: Dynamics of Planning - Floor Discussion; Editorial Assessment - Roth Moore, Chicago Sun Times; Floor Discussion, End of AM Session
- Cities in Context Conference - Monday: Dynamics of Planning, Hamilton L.A.
- Cities in Context Conference - Monday: Edward Hall - Proxemics, Man's Relationship to Space
- Cities in Context Conference - Monday: J. Baker - Communities of Tomorrow, End of Monday Sessions
- Cities in Context Conference - Monday: William Haley - Encyclopedia Brittanica
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: Albert Crewe - Use - Misuse of a Prime Resource
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: Charles Haar - Contemporary Context for New Comm [unities]
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: Desmond Heap - The City - The Law
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: Francis Smith - Space, Research and the City
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: George McCue - Editorial Assessment
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: J. Kubitschek - Manifest Destiny
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: Llewelyn Davies - British Experience
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: Rolf Schwedler - Berlin: Divided City
- Cities in Context Conference - Tuesday: William Anderson - Editorial Assessment
- Cities in Context Conference - Wednesday: Grady Clay - Editorial Assessment
- Cities in Context Conference - Wednesday: Herbert Doan - Nature of Achievement
- Cities in Context Conference - Wednesday: Joseph Watterson - Editorial Assessment
- Cities in Context Conference - Wednesday: William Slayton; Thomas Stewart - Concluding Remarks
- Cities in Context Conference - Wednesday: William Spencer - New Systems for Cities; Resolution Read, drafted by Prof Hassenstab, University Washington
- Cities in Context Conference Recordings
- City Gate of Saint Peter, Assisi: Overall view
- City gate of Sixtus V, Rome: View of gate and inscriptions
- City Hall - Washington
- City Hall, Berne: Raking view
- City Hall, Cremona: Detail, raking view of facade at corner, showing loggia or arcade and crenellations
- City Hall, Frankfurt am Main: Haus Alt-Limpurg, Haus Römer, Haus Loewenstein, Haus Frauenstein and Salzhaus
- City Hall, Fribourg: View of central square including the St. George fountain
- City Hall, Granada, Spain
- City Hall, Haarlem: Side elevation by market square showing Gothic crenellations
- City Hall: Overall view, quai side, seen across the Reuss river
- City Hall: Overall view, quai side, seen across the Reuss river, the top of the Rathausturm visible
- City Hall, Split: South facade of city loggia
- City Hall, Tours: Three-quarter view
- City Hall, Turin: Detail, center section of the facade
- City Hall, Zurich: Overall view, seen from the Limmat river
- City Hall and Baudet Tower: Detail, entrance ramp and adjoined Tour Baudet
- City Hall and Belfry, Nieuwpoort: Overall view
- City Hall and Belfry: Overall view, bell tower and Landhuis at center
- City Palace complex, Udaipur: City Palace, seen from the bazaar with entrance gateway in distant center
- City Palace complex, Udaipur: One courtyard of the Zenana Mahal
- City Palace complex, Udaipur: One courtyard of the Zenana Mahal
- Claddagh Fashions, Claddagh, County Galway
- Clam Shell Effigy Dipper
- Claraboya
- Clarence "Sandy" Seifert, Pittsburgh, Pa
- Clarence Henry
- Clarence Smith pay statement
- Classical Landscape with Women
- Clause from the Testament of Licenciado Diego Alvarez, Huánuco
- Clásico jockey club de Buenos Aires.
- Cleo Shans, San Diego, Cal.
- Cleopatra and Caesar
- Cleopatra Dissolving the Pearl
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh
- Clifford Peterson interviews Patrick Horsbrugh [side 1 is blank]
- Clio, Plate 4 from the series The Nine Muses
- Clipper Ship Three Brothers
- Clipping
- Clipping
- Clipping, "Pfeffer Little Man Behind Mat Guns"
- Clipping, "Readers' Right: Jack Pfefer Threatens to Write His Life Story"
- Clipping, "Tex" Austin, "It's Harvest Time in the Wrestling Field"
- Clipping, "The True Story of Wrestling and the Mysterious Influence Behind It"
- Clipping, "World's Greatest Negro Girls Collide in Special Go"
- Clipping, "Wray's Column"
- Clipping, "Wrestling Groups to Meet Here," from Chicago Tribune
- Clipping, A.J. Liebling, "'What Do Tunney, Booth Know of Politics?' Brawny Men Ask"
- Clipping, A.J. Liebling, "It's Harvest Time in the Thick-Neck Fields of Mongolia and Pfefer Is Off to Pluck a New Crop of Mat-Dusters"
- Clipping, A.J. Liebling, "Ketchitsketchken Artist Brings Woe to Curley Aids with His Scotch Story"
- Clipping, Bill Reedy, "Enemy of Wrestling Trust Seeks to Revive Mat Sport in Reading"
- Clipping, Chalres De Mangin and Nino Lo Bello, "Jack Pfefer, Mighty Mite of Mat, Tied Up in Work"
- Clipping, Dan Daniel, "The $50,000 Mat Caper; How Pfefer Broke Trust"
- Clipping, Ernest G. Paine, "Opera Fan Collects 'Wrestling Freaks'"
- Clipping, H. Allen Smith, "Jack Pfefer's Menagerie of Wrestlers," in New York World-Telegram
- Clipping, Joe Donovan, "Little Jack Pfeffer Breezes Back"
- Clipping, John B. Miller, "Those Vicious Men--The Rasslers: They Grunt, Groan and Gouge But It's All In Fun"
- Clipping, Morton Moss, "LIKES NEW FACES So Jake Turns Actor"
- Clipping, Vic Stanley, "As Man to Man"
- Clippings
- Clippings
- Clippings
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker
- Clippings, Dan Parker (2 folders)
- Clippings, Fred Bozic, on Wrestling "Fakery"
- Clippings, Long Island Daily Advocate, on Wrestling "Fakery"
- Clippings, Sports Week, on Wrestling "Fakery"
- Clippings, Sports Week, on Wrestling "Fakery"
- Clippings on Jack Pfefer Loaned to Hearst Corp. Legal Dept. (3 folders)
- Clippings on Wrestling "Fakery" (2 folders)
- Clock Tower Wharf, Paris
- Cloister of Santa Maria in Porto, Ravenna: Raking view, the loggia of the main entrance
- "Close Ups of New Mat Stars Responsible for New Wrestling Boom Sweeping Eastern States," Al Mayer
- Cloth Hall, Ypres: Distant context view, Cloth Hall on the left
- Cloth Hall, Ypres: Raking view of the west side facade
- Cloth Panel
- Cloud Pattern Coiled Plaque
- Clown Waiting
- Cluny Abbey: Palace of Pope Gelasius: Raking view of the facade from the west
- Cluthra Vase
- Clérigos Church and Bell Tower: Overall view of church facade, tower visible behind
- Coal Miner's Children, Charleston, West Virginia
- Coastal Scene after a Storm
- Coat
- Coffee Cup
- Coffee Pot
- Coffee Pot
- Coffret with Hand-Colored Woodcut of the Crucifixion with Two Thieves
- "Cofradia de Nra Sra del Rosario"
- Coiled Plaque with Turtle
- Coiled Snake Effigy Vessel
- Coleccion de los autos generales i particulares de fé : celebrados por el tribunal de la inquisicion de Córdoba:
- Colegio de San Pablo de la Compañía de Jesús: Exterior detail of Baroque portal with twisted columns
- Collecting Bones from the Battlefield, Cold Harbor, Virginia
- [Collection of 19th-century piano and vocal music].
- Collection of Circulars and Serials Related to Peru/Bolivian Confederation
- [Collection of odes and political documents concerning Andrés Santa Cruz and the Ejército-Unido of Peru and Bolivia].
- "Colleen Dhas Crutha Na Mho"
- College St.-Louis, Bruges: Context view of main building
- Collegiate Basilica of Saint Mary: Detail, exterior staircase and base of bell tower
- Collegiate Church of Notre Dame, Les Andelys: Exterior detail, 13th century door
- Collegiate Church of Notre Dame, Les Andelys: Overall view, apse end with buttresses
- Collegiate Church of Notre Dame, Les Andelys: Overall viewI
- Collegiate Church of Our Lady and St. Lawrence O'Toole: Exterior detail, apsidal end with buttresses
- Collegiate Church of Our Lady and St. Lawrence O'Toole: Interior, nave looking towards choir and altar, carved pew with caryatids
- Collegiate Church of Saint-Aignan, Saint Aignan: Romanesque capital on display in museum
- Collegiate Church of Saint Bartholomew: Detail, the two towers and rectangular wing
- Collegiate Church of Saint Mary: Interior of nave from altar, effigy tombs of Thomas Beauchamp and wife
- Collegiate Church of Saint Mary: Interior of the Beauchamp Chapel, looking towards the west wall, with effigy tombs
- Collegiate Church of Saint Peter, Avignon: Overall view, of facade and bell tower
- Collegiate Church of Saint Waudru: Detail, interior, the Golden Coach
- Collegiate Church of Saint Waudru: Interior, sculpture and chapel
- Collegiate Church of Saint Waudru: Overall exterior view, apse end with radiating chapels
- Collegiate Church of San Antolín: Overall view, looking from the market square
- Collegiate Church of St. Peter and St. Gaudens: Overall view
- Collegiate Church of St. Peter and St. Gaudens: Small shrine built of fragments from the building
- Collegiate Jazz Festival
- Collegiate Jazz Festival
- Collegiate Jazz Festival, 25th Anniversary, Stepan Center, University of Notre Dame
- Collegiate Jazz Festival '76
- Collegiate Jazz Festival '81, University of Notre Dame
- Collegiate Jazz Festival, Stepan Center, University of Notre Dame
- Collegiate Jazz Festival, Stepan Center, University of Notre Dame
- Collegiate Jazz Festival, University of Notre Dame
- Collegiate Jazz Festival, University of Notre Dame, 30th Anniversary
- Collegiate Jazz Festival 1960
- Collegiate Jazz Festival 1966
- Collegiate Jazz Festival 1982
- Collegiate Jazz Festival University of Notre Dame
- Collegiate Jazz Festival University of Notre Dame
- Collegio di Propaganda Fide: Facade facing the Piazza di Spagna by Bernini
- Collinstown Terminal, Dublin Airport
- Cologne Cathedral: Overall exterior view of the east, apse side, showing piers, spires and buttressing
- Cologne Cathedral: Overall view from the side, showing the south transept facade and portal
- Cologne Cathedral: Overall view of main facade and towers
- Cologne Cathedral: View of nave vaulting, looking towards apse
- Cologne City Hall: Exterior view showing Renaissance loggia
- Colonel Philippe Régis de Trobriand on the Ramparts of Fort Gaines, Tennallytown, Maryland
- "Colonel Shea of the Irish Brigade"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, "A-Bi"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, "Bl-Br"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, "C-F"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, "G-H"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, "J-L"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, "M-R"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, "S"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, "T-Z"
- "Colored Boys Files," Photographs and Notes, unidentified
- "Colored Boys Files," Printed Matter
- Colored voters, read : here is one instance of the treatment the colored people of Georgia receive at the hands of the state Democratic Party ...
- Colorful Venus I
- Colosseum: Distant context view
- Colosseum: Interior, showing rooms under the wooden floor
- Colossi of Memnon: View of the northern colossi
- Colossus of Ramses II at Abu Simbel
- Colton's township map of the state of Wisconsin : showing the Milwaukee, Watertown & Madison R.R. and its connections
- Colton's Wisconsin.
- Columbia calls.
- Columbia Gem of the Ocean
- Column of Marcus Aurelius: Overall view, of base and column
- Column of Nine Rotors with Two Triangles
- Column of Phocas: Overall view, brick base visible
- Column of Trajan: Detail view of 2 relief panels
- Column of Trajan: Distant context view, in Trajan's Forum
- Column of Trajan: View of the square base, doorway to inner stairs and inscription
- Columns, Piazza dei Signori: Overall view of the Piazza and two columns
- Comb
- Comb
- Comb with Adoration of the Magi
- "Come Home to the Children and Me"
- Comedia burlesca El caballero de Olmedo
- Comedia famosa. S. Ignacio en Paris ; La luz del sol de el oriente.
- "Comedias de Publio Terencio"
- Comic Muse
- Coming From the Trot
- Coming to Market, Oughterard, County Galway
- Comisario Certificate of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, given in favor of D. Gracia de la Fuenta, priest and citizen of la Villa de Adamuz, given by the Inquisition of Córdoba
- Commencement of the Falls of Canada Creek, plate 3
- Commissions, Joe Mondt
- Commonplace book, Sarah Corkins Towslee
- Como Cathedral: Detail, statue of Pliny the Elder
- Como Cathedral: Overall view, apsidal end with radiating chapels
- Como Cathedral: Raking view of facade
- Company, Ioseph, "Manifiesto Theologo-Iuridico por el Sindico de la insigne ciudad de Barcelona, y su muy illustre conseller tercero Dr. Ioseph Company. En la causa de conferencia entre la Real Audiencia, y Santo Tribunal de la Inquisicion"
- "Compendio, y Sumario del Edicto General de la Fé, y casos en el contenidos"
- "Compendio, y Sumario del Edicto General de la Fé, y casos en el contenidos"
- "Compendio, y Sumario del Edicto General de la Fé, y casos en el contenidos"
- "Compendio, y Sumario del Edicto general de la Fé, y casos en él contenidos"
- Composition
- Compote
- Comunicado
- "Con Casey's Farm"
- Conch Shell Trumpet Effigy
- Conclusus IV
- "Condemned Men for the Phoenix Park Murders"
- Confederate Five Dollar Bill
- Confederate Soldiers as They Fell...
- Conference program, Russko-Frantsuzskie poeticheskie vstrechi: 10x10
- Conference program, Ulitsa Kaneber
- "Congratulacion por la Proclamacion de S.E.," Cuzco
- Congreso Internacional Femenino Records
- Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Activist Jerome Smith, Clarksdale, Mississippi
- Conjoined Male and Female Figurines
- Conquest of the Skies
- Constant Smith Petition
- "Constitucion Politica de la Republica Peruana…"
- Constituciones, y ordinaciones de la M.I. Congregacion de San Pedro Martir de Verona
- Constitution of ’17 [Constitución del ’17]
- Construction Workers
- Consultas del real y supremo Consejo de Castilla, y otros papeles sobre atentados y usurpaciones contra la soberanía del rey y su real jurisdicion [!] : Obra muy util á los abogados y jueces, como tambien á los aficionados á la historia de España.
- Contestación a un papel intitulado Clamor de los libres chumbivilcanos, que ha osado poner, tomando este sagrado nombre, un mercenario y miserable godo, a quien su aspiración desgraciadamente se le convirtio en el sueños del célebre aguasan
- Contestación a una consulta sobre la carta del Dr. Torres Camara al Sr. Vicario Capitular de este obispado
- "Contestación a una Consulta sobre la Carta del Dr. Torres…" Cuzco
- Contra una calumnia
- Contract, Ernest Hefner
- Contract, Fred Kohler and Buddy Rogers
- Contract, Herbert Freeman
- Contract, Hymie Fishman
- Contract, James Curcio
- Contract, Otto Von Berg
- Contract, Roy Graham
- Contract, Rudy Miller
- Contract, Sol Friedman
- Contract, Turp Grimes
- Convent and Church of Saint Teresa: Overall view, facade of the Baroque church
- Convent and Church of St. Stephen: Overall view of church facade, with cloister to the right
- Convent of the Holy Cross, Segovia: Detail, street-side facade with finial and crocket details
- Convento de la Limpia Concepción, Land Sale
- "Convite al Nuez Moscada"
- Cooking Vessel
- Cooper Poynt School at North 3rd St. Camden, New Jersey
- Copa/Davis en Mexico.
- Copies of 3 Cedulas Reales, Arequipa
- Copies of Cedulas Reales, Broadsides, and Other Documents
- Copilacion de las Instrucciones del Oficio de la santa Inquisicion, hechas en Toledo, año de mil y quinientos y sesenta y vno.
- Copper arrowhead pendant
- Copy and commonplace book, Melitta Morley Corkins and Mary Corkins
- Copy of plate of Kenosha Harbor, Wisconsin
- Copy of Royal Cedula
- Corinth: Temple of Apollo: Overall view of the entablature
- Corkins Family Manuscripts
- Corn Cob Basket
- Corn Cob Basket
- Corn Storyteller
- Corner Shadows
- Coronation of the Virgin
- Coronation of the Virgin
- Corrected map of the country along the proposed boundary line between Michigan and Wiskonsan : to accompany the report of Capt. T.J. Cram, December 1840
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence
- Correspondence, "Baboo"
- Correspondence, "Big Apple"
- Correspondence, "Big Humphrey"
- Correspondence, "Black Monk"
- Correspondence, "Black Orchid"
- Correspondence, "Blue Angel"
- Correspondence, "Bobby"
- Correspondence, "Bognar"
- Correspondence, "Boodles"
- Correspondence, "Chief"
- Correspondence, "Darling Dagmar"
- Correspondence, "Dumb Dukes"
- Correspondence, "Dunklin' Red"
- Correspondence, "Elmer the Rocket"
- Correspondence, "Frenchy"
- Correspondence, "Golden Angel"
- Correspondence, "Golden Terror"
- Correspondence, "Golden Terror" (Robert Stewart, Bobby Stewart)
- Correspondence, "Golden Venus" (Esther Baker, Esther McMullen)
- Correspondence, "Golfer"
- Correspondence, "Goosey Duck"
- Correspondence, "Great Mephisto"
- Correspondence, "Gypsy Tanya" (Jean Kennedy, Jean Porter)
- Correspondence, "Hillbilly Spunky" (Frank Robinson)/Red O'Shocker, Farmer Brown, Frank Brown
- Correspondence, "Joe"
- Correspondence, "King Kong"
- Correspondence, "Little Bobo" (Austin E. Johnson)
- Correspondence, "Lytle Munson Line"
- Correspondence, "Super Swedish Angel" (Tor Johnson)
- Correspondence, "Super Swedish Indian"
- Correspondence, "The Angel"
- Correspondence, "The Baron"
- Correspondence, "The Panther"
- Correspondence, "Volga Boatman"
- Correspondence, "Westy"
- Correspondence, "Wladek"
- Correspondence, "Wrestling Release"
- Correspondence, "Wrestling Release," Willie Gilzenberg
- Correspondence (2 folders)
- Correspondence, Abolofia, Deafy
- Correspondence, Aceto, Alfred
- Correspondence, Ackerman, Meyer/Queensboro Arena (New York)
- Correspondence, Adams, Caswell
- Correspondence, Adams, Nick (George Allen)
- Correspondence, Adams, Vicki (Rita Crawford)
- Correspondence, Adelman, Joe
- Correspondence, Adessky, Bob
- Correspondence, Ahearn, Goldie
- Correspondence, Aksionov, Vladimir (Matros Kirilenko)
- Correspondence, Albertson, Frank
- Correspondence, Albertson, Lewis
- Correspondence, Alboro, Lou
- Correspondence, Alex, Al
- Correspondence, Alexander, Ralph
- Correspondence, Aliba, Ali
- Correspondence, Allen, Gogo
- Correspondence, Allen, Ruby
- Correspondence, Altinger, Terry
- Correspondence, Alvarez, Joe
- Correspondence, Alvarez, Rose Marie (Rose Marie Matz)
- Correspondence, American Legion Post
- Correspondence, American Theatre Wing (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Anagnostopoulas, Mary
- Correspondence, Apollo, Eric
- Correspondence, Apollo, J.
- Correspondence, Ardelean, Sam
- Correspondence, Arena, George (Gorgeous George Arena)
- Correspondence, Arena, George (Gorgeous George Arena)
- Correspondence, Arena, George (Gorgeous George Arena)
- Correspondence, Arena, George (Gorgeous George Arena)
- Correspondence, Arena Gardens
- Correspondence, Ashbaugh, Barbara
- Correspondence, Asselin, Jos
- Correspondence, Atkinson, Billy
- Correspondence, Augusto Durand, Ricardo Flores, and Clement Palma
- Correspondence, Austeli, Jim
- Correspondence, Austeli, Jim
- Correspondence, Avey, Samuel
- Correspondence, Axman, Dick/Fred Kohler Enterprises (Chicago, Illinois)
- Correspondence, Baarns, Mickey
- Correspondence, Baba, Ali
- Correspondence, Bacy, Ernestine
- Correspondence, Badui, Emir
- Correspondence, Badui, Emir
- Correspondence, Baffert, Al
- Correspondence, Baicich, Joseph/Steven Hannagan Associates (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Baillargeon, Adrian
- Correspondence, Baker, Mona
- Correspondence, Baker, Mrs. Donald
- Correspondence, Baldwin, Basil
- Correspondence, Balkin, Leon M.
- Correspondence, Balkin, Leon M.
- Correspondence, Ball, Bambi (Jeanetta Collins)
- Correspondence, Ball, Bambi (Jeanetta Collins)
- Correspondence, Ballard, Joan (Rose Diamond, Jessica Rogers)
- Correspondence, Banaski, Joe
- Correspondence, Bank of the United States (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Barbetti, Ken
- Correspondence, Barkley, Dick
- Correspondence, Baron Arena
- Correspondence, Bartell, Lena
- Correspondence, Barton, George A.
- Correspondence, Bashara, Ellis
- Correspondence, Bassette, Jack
- Correspondence, Bauman
- Correspondence, Bauman, Jule
- Correspondence, Baumann, Dick/ACME Sporting Club (Rochester, New York)
- Correspondence, Baumann, Maxwell
- Correspondence, Baumann, Maxwell
- Correspondence, Baumann, Maxwell
- Correspondence, Baumann, Maxwell (Kansas City, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Bazookas, Pete
- Correspondence, Bazzone, Mike
- Correspondence, Beck, Jules
- Correspondence, Becker, George
- Correspondence, Becker, George
- Correspondence, Behn, Waver (Black Venus)
- Correspondence, Belkas, Chris
- Correspondence, Beloff, George
- Correspondence, Bence, John F.
- Correspondence, Benedetti, J.
- Correspondence, Benimasa, Joe
- Correspondence, Bennett, Mars
- Correspondence, Benson, Herb
- Correspondence, Berg, Sam
- Correspondence, Beringer, Jack
- Correspondence, Bertolini, A.C.
- Correspondence, Bertolini, Bert
- Correspondence, Bertolini, Bert
- Correspondence, Bertolini, Bert
- Correspondence, Bertucci, Louis
- Correspondence, Bey, Ali
- Correspondence, Bigongiari, Mario
- Correspondence, Blackman, Don ("Dark Angel," "Black Panther")
- Correspondence, Blackman, Sgt.
- Correspondence, Blacksmith
- Correspondence, Blake, Bob
- Correspondence, Bland, Eugene
- Correspondence, Blassie, Fred
- Correspondence, Bliss, Harry R.
- Correspondence, Bloch Publishing Co.
- Correspondence, Bloome, Bill
- Correspondence, Bloomfield, Jack
- Correspondence, Boesch, Paul
- Correspondence, Bolger, Jack
- Correspondence, Bollas, George
- Correspondence, Bond, Eddie
- Correspondence, Bond, Nina
- Correspondence, Bond, Nina
- Correspondence, Bonico, Emmanuel
- Correspondence, Bookbinder, Walter
- Correspondence, Borden, Eddie
- Correspondence, Bottoms, Vern
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Bowser, Paul (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Correspondence, Boyer, Bob
- Correspondence, Boyer, Maurice
- Correspondence, Boyer, Maurice
- Correspondence, Bradell, Ella
- Correspondence, Branski, Joe
- Correspondence, Branski, Josef
- Correspondence, Bray, Patty
- Correspondence, Brody, Steve
- Correspondence, Bronx Big Brother Movement
- Correspondence, Brooks, Bill
- Correspondence, Brooks, Bill
- Correspondence, Brown, Frank
- Correspondence, Brown, Natie
- Correspondence, Brown, Orville
- Correspondence, Brown, Orville (Wallace)
- Correspondence, Brown, Orville (Wallace)
- Correspondence, Brown, Orville (Wallace)
- Correspondence, Brown, Rocky ("Green Giant")
- Correspondence, Bruckman, George
- Correspondence, Bruner, Hars (Danny Marcello, Joe Pizza)
- Correspondence, Bruno, Fred
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby
- Correspondence, Bruns, Bobby (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Bruns, Mrs. G.J.
- Correspondence, Bryant, Alton
- Correspondence, Brynner, Yulle "Lady Angel"
- Correspondence, Buckley, Johnny
- Correspondence, Budynas, Steve
- Correspondence, Buettner, Itala
- Correspondence, Bulba, Ivan
- Correspondence, Bullard, Paul
- Correspondence, Bullock, Hellen
- Correspondence, Burke, Frank
- Correspondence, Burke, Frank J.
- Correspondence, Burke, Frank/Gulf Athletic Club (Houston, Texas)
- Correspondence, Burke, Mildred (Mildred Bliss)
- Correspondence, Burnell, Mike
- Correspondence, Burt, Morris
- Correspondence, Bushey, Betty
- Correspondence, Bushey, Betty
- Correspondence, Business and Educational Enterprises (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Caddell, Henry (Omaha, Nebraska)
- Correspondence, Caddell, Mrs. Al
- Correspondence, Caley, Sammy
- Correspondence, Calhoun, Grady
- Correspondence, Callaghan, Jack
- Correspondence, Calza, George
- Correspondence, Campbell, Joe
- Correspondence, Canepa, A.P.
- Correspondence, Cangogs, Billy
- Correspondence, Cannuli, Michael
- Correspondence, Canny, Ruth
- Correspondence, Canonica, Anthony
- Correspondence, Canton Boxing & Wrestling Commission
- Correspondence, Capito, Paul
- Correspondence, Carlin, Johnny
- Correspondence, Carlin, Johnny
- Correspondence, Carlton, Rex
- Correspondence, Carone, Fred
- Correspondence, Carter, Jack
- Correspondence, Carter, Joe R.
- Correspondence, Carter, Joe/Shreveport Times
- Correspondence, Carter, Lloyd
- Correspondence, Casey, Ann
- Correspondence, Casey, Jim "Crusher"
- Correspondence, Cassius, Joe (Johnny Champion)
- Correspondence, Castle Hill Athletic Park (Bronx, New York)
- Correspondence, Causey, Bert (Wilmington, North Carolina)
- Correspondence, Cedar Grove Wrestling Originals (Ashland, Kentucky)
- Correspondence, Cedo, Dale
- Correspondence, Central of Polish American Societies
- Correspondence, Champ, Joe
- Correspondence, Champion, Jim
- Correspondence, Champion, Martin (Hall)
- Correspondence, Champion Sports Publishing (Stanley Weston)
- Correspondence, Charles Noyes Co. (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Cheatham, Marvin
- Correspondence, Chester, Novice ("Sensation")
- Correspondence, Chicago Archdiocese/Bobby Bruns
- Correspondence, Chief Bald Eagle
- Correspondence, Chief Blue Eagle
- Correspondence, Chief Don Eagle (Carl Donald Bell)
- Correspondence, Chief Lone Eagle/Princess Bonita
- Correspondence, Chief Lone Eagle/Princess Bonita
- Correspondence, Chief Lone Eagle/Princess Bonita
- Correspondence, Chief Lone Eagle/Princess Bonita
- Correspondence, Chrzanowki, Gabriel
- Correspondence, Clancy, Mike
- Correspondence, Clark, Chris
- Correspondence, Clark, Christa and Adrienne Ames
- Correspondence, Clark, Norman
- Correspondence, Clayton, Max
- Correspondence, Clemente, Ray
- Correspondence, Clifford, Flash
- Correspondence, Clinnin, John
- Correspondence, Clinton, Tige
- Correspondence, Clippings
- Correspondence, Clippings
- Correspondence, Clippings
- Correspondence, Clippings, Frank Sexton
- Correspondence, Cobb, Johnnie
- Correspondence, Coffey, Joe
- Correspondence, Coffman, Juanita
- Correspondence, Cohen, Harry
- Correspondence, Cohen, Harry
- Correspondence, Cohen, Haskell
- Correspondence, Cohen, Sammy
- Correspondence, Cole, Bill
- Correspondence, Coleman, Bobby/James J. Jeffries Athletic Club (California)
- Correspondence, Colesano, Tony
- Correspondence, Collins, J.W.
- Correspondence, Colonial Life Insurance Co. (Jersey City, New Jersey)
- Correspondence, Columbia Pictures
- Correspondence, Congregation B'Nai Jacob (Toledo, Ohio)
- Correspondence, Congregation Ezrath Israel
- Correspondence, Conill, Oscar
- Correspondence, Connors, Buster
- Correspondence, Connors, Buster
- Correspondence, Contos, Ed
- Correspondence, Contos, John
- Correspondence, Cook, Louis
- Correspondence, Cooper, Marie
- Correspondence, Coralli, Claudia
- Correspondence, Corbett, Joe
- Correspondence, Corcoran, Jack
- Correspondence, Cordovano, Sam
- Correspondence, Corsica, Jean (Jean Louis Roy)
- Correspondence, Cortez
- Correspondence, Cortez, Ricardo
- Correspondence, Cosenza, Tony
- Correspondence, Cosneck, Barney
- Correspondence, Costello, Dick
- Correspondence, Costello, Grace
- Correspondence, Count Luigi (Bernard Pantazi, Rocco Rigoletto)
- Correspondence, Cox, Ted
- Correspondence, Coxey, George
- Correspondence, Crockett, Davey
- Correspondence, Crockett, Jim
- Correspondence, Cross and Brown Real Estate Co.
- Correspondence, Culnan, Thomas "Babe"
- Correspondence, Curence, Stubby
- Correspondence, Curley, Jack
- Correspondence, Cutrer, Frank
- Correspondence, Czaplinski, Mike (Mike Haller)
- Correspondence, Dale Associates/Vic Scutari (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Dallow, Frank
- Correspondence, Dalton, Dolly
- Correspondence, Darnell, Marie (Sylvia McMillan)
- Correspondence, Daro, Lou
- Correspondence, Daro, Lou (Los Angeles)
- Correspondence, Davidovich, Rabbi Chalm
- Correspondence, Davis, George
- Correspondence, Davis, Sterling (Dizzy)
- Correspondence, Dawson, Betty (Milford, Utah)
- Correspondence, Dawson, Betty (Milford, Utah)
- Correspondence, Dear, Jack P.
- Correspondence, Deaton, H.A.
- Correspondence, Deglane, Pierre
- Correspondence, Dellamano, Frank
- Correspondence, Demetral, Bill
- Correspondence, Demetral, Jimmy
- Correspondence, Demitroff, Boris
- Correspondence, Denaburg, Joe
- Correspondence, Denson, Jack
- Correspondence, Desjardins, Maurice/Le Droit
- Correspondence, Deugau, Tommy
- Correspondence, Dieckman, Donna Marie
- Correspondence, Dillon, Jack
- Correspondence, Dine, Don L.
- Correspondence, District of Columbia Boxing Commission
- Correspondence, Djaileb, Fatiha ("Chi Chi")
- Correspondence, Dneproff, Sophia
- Correspondence, Dobbs, Johnny
- Correspondence, Dolan, Bill
- Correspondence, Donchin, Curley
- Correspondence, Donchin, Curley
- Correspondence, Donchin, Curley
- Correspondence, Dorgan, Gene
- Correspondence, Downing, Jim
- Correspondence, Downing, Jim
- Correspondence, Downing, Jim
- Correspondence, Doyle, John J.
- Correspondence, Doyle, John J.
- Correspondence, Doyle, John J.
- Correspondence, Doyle, John J./Eastside Arena Corp.
- Correspondence, Dr. Kratz
- Correspondence, Drummond, Belle
- Correspondence, Duffy, Clarence
- Correspondence, Dugas, Willa Mae (Princess Ubanga)
- Correspondence, Dugas, Willa Mae (Princess Ubanga)
- Correspondence, Dugas, Willa Mae (Princess Ubanga)
- Correspondence, Dugas, Willa Mae (Princess Ubanga)
- Correspondence, Dugas, Willa Mae (Princess Ubanga)
- Correspondence, Duke
- Correspondence, Duncan, Turc
- Correspondence, Dunn, Roy
- Correspondence, Dupree, "Golden Boy" (Rossel Groves)
- Correspondence, Dupree, Lucille (Lucille Paulhus)
- Correspondence, Dupree Brothers (Ron and Paul Dupree)
- Correspondence, Durochka
- Correspondence, Dusek, Rudy/Eastern Sports Enterprises
- Correspondence, Duveen, Paul
- Correspondence, Dworman, Bronia
- Correspondence, Dyer, Jean (Mona Baker)
- Correspondence, Dyer, Jean (Mona Baker)
- Correspondence, Dyer, Jean (Mona Baker)
- Correspondence, Dykes, Jimmy
- Correspondence, Ebner, Ede
- Correspondence, Eccles, A.E.
- Correspondence, Eckelberry, Marjorie (St. Joseph, Missouri)/Gust Karras Promotions
- Correspondence, Eduard Limonov with Elena Shchapova [de Carli]
- Correspondence, Eduard Limonov with Roger Straus
- Correspondence, Edwards, Jack
- Correspondence, Eggen, Kenneth/Dianne
- Correspondence, Eklund, Clarence
- Correspondence, El Capitan, Art
- Correspondence, Elliott, Nick
- Correspondence, Ellis, "Cowboy" Bob (Robert Ellis)
- Correspondence, Ellis Island Foreign Exchange/Roe, James
- Correspondence, Ellison, Mary Lillian ("Fabulous Moolah")
- Correspondence, Elzea, Eddie
- Correspondence, Empire City Job Print, Inc. (Long Island, New York)
- Correspondence, Empty Envelopes
- Correspondence, Engstion, Carl (Zuma)
- Correspondence, Erie County Department of Probation/Ruffino, J.J.
- Correspondence, Escobar, Tedro
- Correspondence, Eskin, Lew
- Correspondence, Estep, Elmer
- Correspondence, Estep, Elmer
- Correspondence, Estep, Elmer
- Correspondence, Estes, Joe
- Correspondence, Evans, Bob
- Correspondence, Evans, Ted
- Correspondence, Fabiani, Ray
- Correspondence, Fabiani, Ray
- Correspondence, Fabiani, Ray
- Correspondence, Fabiani, Ray
- Correspondence, Fabiani, Ray (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
- Correspondence, Faieta, Ed
- Correspondence, Fairbanks, Douglas
- Correspondence, Fares, Bud J.
- Correspondence, Fargo, Don
- Correspondence, Fargo, Don
- Correspondence, Fargo, Don
- Correspondence, Fargo, Don (Don Stevens, Jack Dalton, Don Kalt)
- Correspondence, Fargo, Fronia (Mrs. Jackie Fargo)
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Fargo, Jackie
- Correspondence, Farmer Mack
- Correspondence, Faro
- Correspondence, Farrell, E./National Police Gazette
- Correspondence, Faulk, Jack (Jack Moore, "The Mask"), Helen Faulk
- Correspondence, Fay, Eddy
- Correspondence, Feldman, Benny
- Correspondence, Feldman, Maury
- Correspondence, Feldman, Virginia
- Correspondence, Ferrell, Tom
- Correspondence, Ficek, Bill
- Correspondence, Fields, Harry
- Correspondence, Fierro, Nick
- Correspondence, Filmland Press-Theatres/Hyman Weiss (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Finkelstein, Harry
- Correspondence, Finkelstein, Harry
- Correspondence, Firpo, Pampero ("Ivan the Terrible")
- Correspondence, Fishbaugh, Lee
- Correspondence, Fitzgerald, Mike
- Correspondence, Flaherty, Marjie Dean
- Correspondence, Flash Clifford
- Correspondence, Flatto, I.T.
- Correspondence, Flatto, I.T.
- Correspondence, Flatto, I.T.
- Correspondence, Flatto, I.T.
- Correspondence, Fleischer, Nat S.
- Correspondence, Flynn, George
- Correspondence, Fokine, Michel
- Correspondence, Fontaine, Muriel
- Correspondence, Foulk, Jack
- Correspondence, Fox, Billy
- Correspondence, Fragetta, Dewey
- Correspondence, Frain, Jimmy/Tony Falento
- Correspondence, Freeman, Herbert
- Correspondence, Freeman, Herbie
- Correspondence, Freeman, Herbie
- Correspondence, Freeman, Herbie
- Correspondence, French American Banking Corp.
- Correspondence, Frey and Shaver Optometrists
- Correspondence, Fridell, Dr. Myrtle L.
- Correspondence, Friedman, Sammy
- Correspondence, Fuller "Cowboy" Buddy (Edward A. Welch)
- Correspondence, Funk, Dory Sr./Southwest Sports
- Correspondence, Futa, Mike
- Correspondence, Galento, Barbara
- Correspondence, Galento, Mario ("The Wild Rebel", Butch Boyette)
- Correspondence, Gallagher, George and Juanita
- Correspondence, Gallagher, Jack
- Correspondence, Gannon, Chester
- Correspondence, Ganson, Jack
- Correspondence, Ganson, Jack
- Correspondence, Ganson, Jack
- Correspondence, Ganson, Jack
- Correspondence, Ganson, Jack/Canadian Arena Co. (Montreal)
- Correspondence, Gardini
- Correspondence, Gardner, Charles Pink
- Correspondence, Garibaldi, Leo
- Correspondence, Garkawienko, Alexander
- Correspondence, Garza Lozano, Hector (Tonina Jackson, Mexico)
- Correspondence, Gates, B.C.
- Correspondence, Gehman, Jesse Mercer
- Correspondence, Geigel, Bob
- Correspondence, Geldhauser, Tom
- Correspondence, Geltman, Miriam
- Correspondence, George, Ed Don
- Correspondence, George, Nick ("King Kong")
- Correspondence, George, Pinkie
- Correspondence, George, Pinkie/Promotions Inc. (Des Moines, Iowa)
- Correspondence, Georgiev, Assen
- Correspondence, Gerber, Sue
- Correspondence, Getz, Al
- Correspondence, Gibbons, Bobby
- Correspondence, Gilbert, Bernie
- Correspondence, Gilbert, Buck
- Correspondence, Gillem, Gladys/Miss Atlas (Gladys Wall)
- Correspondence, Gilzenberg, Willie
- Correspondence, Gilzenberg, Willie
- Correspondence, Gilzenberg, Willie
- Correspondence, Gilzenberg, Willie
- Correspondence, Gilzenberg, Willie
- Correspondence, Gilzenberg, Willie
- Correspondence, Gilzenberg, Willie
- Correspondence, Gilzenberg, Willie
- Correspondence, Gladieux, Virgil/Sports Arena Inc. (Toledo, Ohio)
- Correspondence, Glassman, Phil
- Correspondence, Glover, Judy
- Correspondence, Godner, Mae
- Correspondence, Goelz, Billy
- Correspondence, Goelz, Billy
- Correspondence, Goldberg, Abe
- Correspondence, Golding, Grace
- Correspondence, Goodner, Mae
- Correspondence, Goodwin, Marva (Babs Wingo)
- Correspondence, Gordon, Charles
- Correspondence, Gordon, Charles
- Correspondence, Gordon, Charles
- Correspondence, Gordon, Charlie
- Correspondence, Gordon, Gene
- Correspondence, Gordon, Gene
- Correspondence, Gordon, Gene
- Correspondence, Gordon, Jack
- Correspondence, Gordon, Rena
- Correspondence, Goulet, Pierre
- Correspondence, Grabovskii, M.
- Correspondence, Graham, Dr. Jerry (Jimmy Graham)
- Correspondence, Graham, Jimmy
- Correspondence, Grant, Gorgeous George (Danny Sheffield)
- Correspondence, Greater New York Fund
- Correspondence, Greathead, William
- Correspondence, Greeley
- Correspondence, Green, Marjorie
- Correspondence, Greene, Abe J.
- Correspondence, Greene, Abe J.
- Correspondence, Greene, Abe/New Jersey Athletic Commission, Paterson Evening News
- Correspondence, Greene, Margie Betty
- Correspondence, Gregoire, Lucien
- Correspondence, Griffin, Dick
- Correspondence, Griffin, Marcus
- Correspondence, Grip, Charles
- Correspondence, Grosman, E.
- Correspondence, Grueber, Phil
- Correspondence, Gudiski, John
- Correspondence, Guillory, Annie
- Correspondence, Gulas, Nick
- Correspondence, Gunther, Joe
- Correspondence, Guyette, Charlie
- Correspondence, Habib, Benny
- Correspondence, Hackney
- Correspondence, Hader, Jack
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Al
- Correspondence, Haft, Mrs. Al
- Correspondence, Hagen, Jack
- Correspondence, Hagen, Nita and Barbara Reed
- Correspondence, Haller, George
- Correspondence, Haller, Mike
- Correspondence, Halvorsen, Dick
- Correspondence, Hamilton, Leon/House of David Basketball Team (North Carolina)
- Correspondence, Hardbone, Steve
- Correspondence, Hardy
- Correspondence, Harris, G.W.
- Correspondence, Harris, Harry
- Correspondence, Hart, Stu
- Correspondence, Hart, Stu
- Correspondence, Hatcher, Dick
- Correspondence, Hawkins, Patricia
- Correspondence, Hayes, Sid
- Correspondence, Healy, Pat
- Correspondence, Heath, Charlie
- Correspondence, Heaton, Brother Jonathan
- Correspondence, Hebrew Free Loan Society
- Correspondence, Heenan, Walter
- Correspondence, Hefner, Ernest "Dutch"
- Correspondence, Hendy, Jim
- Correspondence, Henkin, Mura
- Correspondence, Herman, Dave
- Correspondence, Herman, J.H.
- Correspondence, Herman, Jack/Buffalo, New York: Great Lakes Athletic Club
- Correspondence, Hickey, Frank
- Correspondence, Hickey, Frank
- Correspondence, Hickman, Herman
- Correspondence, Hicks, Cordell
- Correspondence, Hills, George/Hamilton Sporting Club
- Correspondence, Hines, Roland/Asbury Park Arena (Asbury Park, New Jersey)
- Correspondence, Hitler
- Correspondence, Hoffman, Ancil
- Correspondence, Hoffman, Charlie
- Correspondence, Hoffman, Lou
- Correspondence, Hogan, Jean
- Correspondence, Hogan, Jean
- Correspondence, Holder, Carl
- Correspondence, Holmbach, Eric
- Correspondence, Homecrafts
- Correspondence, Horoschak, Adam
- Correspondence, Hostetter, Jack
- Correspondence, Hotel Picadilly/Roy Moulton (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Humphrey
- Correspondence, Hutzler, Martin
- Correspondence, Iankovskii, Petr Mikhailovich (Jankowskii, "Ursus")
- Correspondence, Iassas, Steve
- Correspondence, Internal Revenue Service
- Correspondence, Ipp, Johnny
- Correspondence, Isbell, Ramona
- Correspondence, Isbell, Ramona
- Correspondence, Jacob, Ike
- Correspondence, Jacobs, Harry
- Correspondence, Jaffe, Lou
- Correspondence, James, Jesse
- Correspondence, James, Jesse
- Correspondence, James, Jimmy (Jesse James)
- Correspondence, James, Steve
- Correspondence, Jares, Joe
- Correspondence, Jarvis, Betty
- Correspondence, Jaye, Shirley
- Correspondence, Jemail, Jimmy/The News (New York, New York)
- Correspondence, Johanssen, Einar
- Correspondence, Johnson, Arthur
- Correspondence, Johnson, Babo
- Correspondence, Johnson, Ethel
- Correspondence, Johnson, Greta (Mrs. Tor Johnson)
- Correspondence, Johnson, Karl
- Correspondence, Johnson, Tor ("Swedish Angel")
- Correspondence, Johnson, Tor ("Swedish Angel")
- Correspondence, Johnston, Bill
- Correspondence, Johnston, Bill
- Correspondence, Johnston, Wm. F.
- Correspondence, Johnstone, Bill
- Correspondence, Johnstone, C.E. (Tiger)
- Correspondence, Jones, Mrs. Charles R.
- Correspondence, Jones, Paul
- Correspondence, Joos, Henri
- Correspondence, Joss, Max
- Correspondence, Joss, Stanley
- Correspondence, José Durand
- Correspondence, José Durand
- Correspondence, Kallio, Gus
- Correspondence, Kalmikoff, Ivan
- Correspondence, Kalmikoff, Nikita
- Correspondence, Kanner, How.
- Correspondence, Kaplur, S.
- Correspondence, Karahan, Nash
- Correspondence, Karas, Steve
- Correspondence, Karasick, Al
- Correspondence, Karney, Sylvester (Ivan Komaroff)
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Karras, Gust (St. Joseph, Missouri)
- Correspondence, Kauffman
- Correspondence, Kauffman, Clete/Al Haft Sports Enterprises, Inc. (Columbus, Ohio)
- Correspondence, Kay, Jos. S.
- Correspondence, Keating, Helen
- Correspondence, Kehoe, Harry/The American Sportscaster (Kansas City, Kansas)
- Correspondence, Kellick, Hym
- Correspondence, Kelly, Jack
- Correspondence, Kelly, Jack (Irish Jack Kelly)
- Correspondence, Keltzev
- Correspondence, Kennedy, Jack
- Correspondence, Kennedy, Jack
- Correspondence, Ketonen, Paavo
- Correspondence, Kiefer, Pat
- Correspondence, Kilonis, Mike
- Correspondence, King, Johnny
- Correspondence, Kirilenko, Matros (Vladimir Aksionov)
- Correspondence, Kirilenko, Matros (Vladimir Aksionov)
- Correspondence, Kirilenko, Matros (Vladimir Aksionov)
- Correspondence, Kirkland, Joseph